Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Euphemisms in politics essays
Euphemisms in politics essays Word choice in politics is always a contentious issue. In the case similar to prop 209, proposition a proponents of the bill are accused of using loaded and misleading terminology according to some harsh critics. I do not happen to side with the opponents of this bill in this situation. I adamantly oppose affirmative action and believe people should be promoted and hired based on experience and performance not some predetermined racially equal composition. In Houston it only applies to publicly funded organizations and institutions yet it still perpetuates the wrong message. That message is that we treat different races with different sets of rules. Affirmative action in certain circumstances has left the recipients of the jobs feeling a sense of charity and a certain undermining of the legitimacy of the position. In fact proposition 209 was drafted by an African American who shared similar sentiments toward the issue. The word choice utilized by the authors of this proposition poses no ambiguity or confusion to me. Propositions surrounding such an issue are heavily covered in mass media and any competent and informed voter should be able to decipher the objective of the proposition. A more detailed description alluding to the elimination of the employment for minority classes may be a bit more truthful but like Orwell said euphemisms just sound better in politics. Politicians generally do not cater to the apathetic masses because they infrequently vote. But when they vote they do deserve the right to not be confused throughout the process. This is a tricky debate but I have to side with the initial authors of the proposition in their word choice because in actuality that is the state of equality that Houston will return to in the event that affirmative action policies are repealed. If voters are too complacent to make that connection then that is there tough luck. Euphemis ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Using the Spanish Auxiliary Verb Haber for the Perfect Tenses
Using the Spanish Auxiliary Verb Haber for the Perfect Tenses Just by learning the conjugation of one verb, you can vastly increase the verb tenses and forms you have available in Spanish. It may come as no surprise that the verb is haber, which is translated as the auxiliary verb to have. As an auxiliary verb, haber in Spanish and to have in English are used to form the perfect tenses. Perfect Tenses Used for Completed Actions No, they arent called the perfect tenses because theyre better than the others. But one meaning of perfect, one we dont see very often today outside of literature, is complete. The perfect verb tenses, then, refer to completed actions (although they arent the only way of referring to completed actions). Contrast two ways of referring to something that happened in the past: He salido (I have left) and estaba saliendo (I was leaving). In the first instance, it is clear that the act described by the verb is completed; its something that was over at a specific time. But in the second case, there is no indication when the departure was completed; in fact, the act of leaving still could be occurring. In both English and Spanish, the perfect tenses are formed by using a form of the verb haber or to have followed by the past participle (el participio in Spanish). In English, the participle typically is formed by adding -ed to verbs; the Spanish participle, which has origins related to the English participle, typically is formed by using the ending of -ado for -ar verbs and -ido for -er and -ir verbs. Numerous irregular forms, such as seen and visto, exist in both languages. Types of Perfect Tenses The tense of the resulting verb depends on which tense of haber is used. Use the present tense of haber to create the present perfect tense, the future tense to create the future perfect tense, and so on. Here are examples of the various tenses using haber salido (to have left) in the first-person singular and unconjugated forms. Present perfect indicative: He salido. I have left.Past perfect indicative (pluperfect): Habà a salido. I had left.Preterite perfect indicative: Hube salido. I had left.Future perfect indicative: Habrà © salido. I will have left.Conditional perfect indicative: Habrà a salido. I would have left.Present perfect subjunctive: (que) haya salido. (that) I have left.Past perfect subjunctive: (que) hubiera salido. (that) I had left.Perfect infinitive: haber salido (to have left)Perfect gerund: habiendo salido (having left) Note that the preterite perfect indicative tense isnt used much in speech or modern writing. Youre most likely to find it in literature. Note also that when standing alone, the subjunctive forms are indistinguishable in English from the indicative forms. In Spanish, the structure of the sentence, not how the verb is translated into English, will determine when the subjunctive is used. See the lessons on the subjunctive mood for more information on this verb mood. Sample Sentences Using the Perfect Tenses Here are some more involved sample sentences that you can examine to see how the perfect tenses are used. You will notice that they generally are used like the same tenses in English. He comprado un coche nuevo pero no puedo manejarlo. (I have bought a new car but I cant drive it. Present perfect indicative.)El traficante de armas no habà a leà do a Shakespeare. (The arms trafficker had not read Shakespeare. Past perfect indicative)Si yo hubiera hecho esa pelà cula  ¡los crà ticos me habrà an comido vivo! (If I had made that film, the critics would have eaten me alive! Past perfect subjunctive.)Hoy estoy aquà ; maà ±ana me habrà © ido. (I am here today; tomorrow I will have gone. Future perfect.)No creo que hayan ganado los Rams. (I dont believe the Rams have won. Present perfect subjunctive.)Querà amos que hubieran comido. We wanted them to have eaten. Past perfect subjunctive.)Para morirse bien es importante haber vivido bien. (In order die well it is important to have lived well. Perfect infinitive.)Habiendo visto Bogot en pantalla cientos de veces, creo que nada va a sorprenderme. (Having seen Bogota on a screen hundreds of times, I think not hing is going to surprise me. Perfect gerund.) Key Takeaways Haber is an common auxiliary verb in Spanish that functions as the equivalent of the English have as an auxiliary verb.Haber forms the perfect tenses, which are used similar to the perfect tenses of English and indicate that an action has or will be completed.Perfect tenses can be used in Spanish for the past, present, and future in both the indicative and subjunctive moods.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Methodologies in Education and professional practice Paper
Methodologies in Education and professional practice - Research Paper Example In practice however, not all children are able to fully develop fluency in the settlement language. While there is growing evidence of the advantages for pre-school education in immigrant children, the enrollment rate remains relatively low. Socio-economic status and financial costs are likely to be the strongest reasons for this occurrence. All of these data reveal the important role of education in the integration and inclusion of immigrant children and families. The school must take on a proactive role in providing support for immigrant children. The research study that will be undertaken was borne out of this perspective. It aims to explore the impact of migration on family, childhood and education institutions in London as reflected in the challenges and difficulties of adaptation in the school setting. It also hopes to determine possible solutions to these challenges and difficulties. The study aims to answer three main questions: This study is of particular relevance to me personally and professionally. I am a teacher assistant, working through an agency, in different schools in London. My professional goals include becoming a foundation stage teacher and this area of research will continue to enhance my knowledge and skills in dealing with immigrant children. My daily interactions with immigrant students allowed me to observe the challenges and difficulties they encounter as an effect of the family transition and adapting to new culture and environment. Although, there are a number of those who successfully integrate into the new educational conditions, there are those whose academic performances fall far below the average. My interactions with parents, teachers and school administrators led me to hypothesise that certain factors (i.e. family and school environment) promote successful adaptation to the school setting. I have observed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Coastal Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Coastal Development - Assignment Example Currently, plans are underway in finding the best way of mitigating the effects of Hurricane Sandy, which is expected to hit the coastline in the near future (Hutchins and Augenstein, 2012). Although controversies have marred the proposed new construction measures at the New Jersey shore-front, the only way to protect the communities living near the shoreline is to establish new construction requirements to ensure that structures built near the shoreline are strong enough and capable of withstanding heavy storms. The devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy confirmed that the existing building codes cannot solve flooding and elevation problems witnessed whenever a storm hits New Jersey coastline. Therefore, to mitigate future damage that may be caused by heavy storms, the property owners at the New Jersey coastline will be required to elevate their buildings above the base flooding elevations (BFE). The flood elevation requirement issued by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is effective from October 2013, requires that properties built in the coastlines, which are prone to storms should be built above the flood elevation threshold (Foster, 2014). Building properties above the BFE will ensure that the flooding does not reach the properties in case of a storm like the Hurricane Sandy. Since storms are accompanied by heavy winds, contractors and property owners at New Jersey coastlines will be required to build structures that are capable of withstanding high winds. In this regard, the contractors will be required to ensure that properties have wind-rated roof covers capable of withstanding strong winds. Additionally, the contractors will also be required to ensure that adequate protections of openings, such as doors and windows are created to protect properties from strong wind pressure and windborne debris. Where necessary,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Electromagnetic research Essay Example for Free
Electromagnetic research Essay We can relate the density to the scattering of radiation in the X-ray region by using the mass attenuation coefficient,  µ/? , and the mass energy-absorption coefficient,  µen/?. In the X-ray region (10-100 KeV), we will find that as the electron density increases, the x-ray signal also increases1. X-ray scattering is considered to be due to the electron density of the atoms in a sample2. J. J. Thomson derived a formula relating the intensity of coherent scattering from a particle. If the incident radiation is not polarized, then his relation takes the form: I(2? ) = Io [(e4)/(r2 m2 c4)] [(1 + cos2 2? )/2] where e is the charge of the particle, r is the distance from the â€Å"scatterer†, m is the mass of the â€Å"scatterer†, c is the velocity of light, and [(1 + cos22? )/2] represents the partial polarization of the scattered photon. An electron is 2000 times lighter than a proton. Most nuclei are made up of many nucleons that have an even greater mass than the mass of a proton. Because the scattered intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the mass of the particle emitting the X-ray photon, scattering of X rays from the nucleus is considered negligible compared to the scattering from the electrons of an atoms. We can conclude that X-ray scattering is due to the density of the electron. The probability for coherent scattering decreases with increasing photon energy and increases with increasing atomic number (increasing number of interfering electrons). As a fraction of the total mass attenuation coefficient, ? coh/? is maximal at atomic numbers around Z=10 and photon energies in the interval 30-50 keV. At higher atomic numbers, the relative fraction decreases due to the strong increase of photoelectric absorption with increasing atomic number3. In silicon, for example, the relative probability for coherent scattering is 14% at 50 keV. Let us refer to table 1, where the densities of elements could be found, and figures 2. 1, 2. 3 and 2. 4, the Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation by Gold, Silicon, and Iron respectively. The density of silicon is 2. 330, iron is 7. 874 and gold is 19. 32. In the graphs, as the radiation increases we will notice that the absorption decreases. For gold, this will continue until it reaches 200 eV where a discontinuity takes place. In terms of the densities of the elements, as the density of the element decreases, the coherent scattering also decreases. For example, gold, which has an atomic number of 79, contains a higher electron density than an element such as silicon and iron (of lower atomic number 14 and 26 respectively); therefore the photon-absorption processes are stronger (higher  µ) making gold suitable as a radiation-shielding material. However, the decrease in ( µ) with increasing photon energy (below 1 MeV) means that relatively thick sheets are needed to absorb hard (short-wavelength) x-rays or gamma -rays, compared to soft (long-wavelength) x-rays for example. Photon absorption in the visible region of the spectrum depends on the atomic arrangement of the atoms and their bonding. Pure silicon (Si) is strongly absorbing but silicon combined with oxygen is transparent. For the energetic photons in the x-ray regime, photon absorption is much easier to predict and is independent of the details of atomic arrangement. It depends primarily on the electron concentration per unit volume. Since the concentration of atoms per unit volume only differ by factors of 2 or 3 from each other, the electron concentration in two materials can be estimated from the atomic number, Z. Gold (Z=79) absorbs x-rays much more efficiently than silicon (Z=14) or iron (Z=26). X-ray absorption does depend on the energy of the x-rays and decreases with increasing x-ray energy, E. Absorption decreases nearly proportional to the cube of the energy (i. e. absorption proportional to (1/E3). The eventual rise in  µ indicates that a third process occurs at high photon energy; this is pair production, in which a pair of elementary particles (a particle and its antiparticle of the same mass but opposite electrostatic charge) is created from the energy (hf) of the original photon4. In this case, the two particles are an electron and an anti-electron (more commonly known as a positron, whose rest mass m0 is the same as that of an electron but whose charge is +e). Pair production can be represented by an equation, which represents the conservation of total energy (or mass-energy): hf = 2(m0 c2) + K(-e) + K(+e) Here, (m0 c2) = 0. 511 MeV is the rest energy of an electron, which is equal to that of the positron, so the factor of 2 represents the fact that two particles of identical rest mass are created. K(-e) and K(+e) represent the kinetic energy of the electron and positron, immediately after their creation. If the photon energy were exactly 2m0c2 = 1. 02 MeV, the two particles would be created at rest (with zero kinetic energy) and this would be an example of the complete conversion of energy into mass. For photon energies below 2m0c2, the process cannot occur; in other words, 1. 02 MeV is the threshold energy for pair production. For photon energies above the threshold, a photon has more than enough energy to create a particle pair and the surplus energy appears as kinetic energy of the two particles. BIBLIOGRAPHY Giacovazzo, Carmelo. Crystallography. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://xrayweb. chem. ou. edu/notes/crystallography. html. McAlister, B. C. and Grady, B. P. The Use of Monte-Carlo Simulations to Calculate Small-Angle Scattering Patterns. Macromolecular Symposia, 2003. The American Physical Society. X-Ray Radiation from Non-linear Thomson Scattering. Vol. 91, No. 19, 13 November 2003. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://www. eecs. umich. edu/USL-HFS/TaPhouc_prl_03. pdf. Weidner, R. T. and Sells, R. L. Pair Production and Annihilation. Retrieved 9 June 2008, http://physics. pdx. edu/~egertonr/ph311-12/pair-pa. htm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
John Stuart Mill’s Education Essays -- John Stuart Mill Education Essa
John Stuart Mill’s Education John Stuart Mill’s education was intense at all times, but at different stages in his life he learned different things and in different ways. Though his education was unique by all accounts, it embodied many virtues that modern educational systems strive to include. These include: close parent involvement and one-on-one work between students and teachers; exposure to intellectual role models; emphasis on independent thought, logic, and pursuing curiosities; being held to high standards for achievement; being free from invidious comparisons to peers; and learning the value of seeking out peers for intellectual support and stimulation. He also learned, during personal struggles to understand his relationship with his father and to rediscover passion for life after his mental crisis, that the responsibility for his education and his happiness ultimately lay with himself. Most stunning in his account is what he learns about his father during his process of evaluating the way his father educated him, judging his father’s ideas and abilities, and navigating his relationship with his father over time. During his early childhood Mill’s father tutored him in classical languages and history through structured lessons overseen by his father. His father’s patience encouraged him to ask questions and made him understand that his education was a priority. In retrospect he described his early education as an example of how much can be accomplished in a period of life that is generally wasted. Though he was reading Greek by age three, he attributes his achievements not to his own genius but to his learning environment. While the modern reader is inclined to disbelieve this modest assertion, his unique up... ...his education at different stages of his life, but I think I presented it here much as I read it – which is to say, I’m more inclined to praise Mill’s education than my professor and classmates are. I hope I’ve done a good job of explaining why I think his early education prepared him for everything, even his mental crisis, because I consider that personal struggle a vital part of his education. Learning about oneself and having to provide one’s own meaning for life is an important part of education, and the foundation of logical thought, facing and meeting challenges, and persevering with tough tasks, helped Mill through his mental crisis. I still really like Mill, and though I’m obviously no where near the extreme of his life, I identify to some extent with the way he thinks, the way he was raised, and the personal struggles he’s had to work through on his own.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Racial Diversity In Society Worksheet Essay
Select 1 racial group from the list below: African American Write a 150- to 300-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks. Provide citations for all the sources you use. There are gaps between incomes when comparing all racial groups. The group that I chose to study is African Americans. According to our text book, there is a significant gap between the incomes of the Black and White households (Schaefer). In 2009, the median income of Black households was $32,584. This is much lower than that of the White households holding at $54,461. Household incomes for African Americans have been gradually rising and can be seen in the median household income for the year 2013, $41,142, according to the tables provided in MySocLab Social Explorer Map: Income Inequality by Race (). There is also a low possibility of African Americans owning a home because of the lower income, but also due to discriminatory lending practices (Schaefer). Employment is another area that is held lower for African Americans. The unemployment rates have been high since the 1940s. The unemployment rate for Black males aged 16-24was 35 % during the height of the recession; this is very high because the national unemployment rate was this high during the Great depression. The social standings for this group, African American, is also much lower than Whites. There is a 39.2% rate for Black families with two parents and a 49.7% rate for those families that are only maintained by the mother (Schaefer, Figure 8.4). From a political standing, even though Barak Obama has entered and been in the White House, African Americans still have not received an equal share of the political percentages. Schaefer, Richard T. Racial and Ethnic Groups. 13th ed. N.p.: Merril Prentice Hall, n.d. Print. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Part II Answer the following in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is racism? In what ways does racism affect diversity? Racism is the belief and opinion that people form based on the characteristics, stereotypes, and attributes that people have or belong to based on the racial group that the person is categorized in. Racism is also the belief that one race is superior to others. Racism can affect diversity in specific ways. If racism is present, it can prevent diversity in an area because of the way that other races are treated. There could be laws made, such as segregation, that keep diversity from occurring. How do racial groups interact in contemporary America? Are interactions positive, negative, or neutral? Support your response using proper citations. Racial groups are much more interactive than before. In contemporary America, schools are diverse. The period of segregation of Blacks and Whites is not present. The case of Brown V. Board of Education in 1954 was a milestone for diversity and racism. This helped by ending segregation in schools and exposing students to other cultures and races. Although there is still racism in the United States, the level of racism is not as high and diversity is much higher. I would say that the interactions are more neutral because of the fact that there is still racism in America. Another way that racial groups interact is within the workplace. There are also interracial relationships between different races that had before been never thought of as happening. Are there existing social inequities based on race? Why or why not? There are still existing social inequalities based on race today. There may not be as many as in history, but they still exist. These social inequalities based on race are seen in the workplace, admissions in schools (whether the minority or majority), and in politics. There are some racial groups that may be passed up for on a job opportunities because they may not be â€Å"viewed†as what fits for that position. There is also a discussion that minorities are given more of an opportunity when being admitted into colleges, while passing up on those that may be more qualified; this is the same for the workplace. In politics, we do see that we have our first African American President, but there is still a ways to go before all racial groups are completely equal. What do you believe to be the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in today’s society? I believe that the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in today’s society has to do with the way children are being raised and the opinions that people form based on stereotypes that have been passed down for generations. There are people that still have racist views of other racial groups, and they may or may not teach their children or grandchildren to have the same views. There are many people that are much more open minded and accepting of other views and racial groups; but there are still those that are closed minded and view their group as the superior one.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Black Death and Middle English Word
Why does Chaucer dwell more on the pardoner's love of money than on any other aspect of his character? He was not supposed to have worldly procession he is supposed to be a man of God but does not live the life style 2. Imagine that the pardoner where alive today. What might he do for a living, and how would that profession reflect his character?Anointing oil, Bibles, Tapes cad's of Preaching he might sell these things. He's money hungry that is his goal. WORDS TO OWN Avarice 1 . From the old French word meaning â€Å"to crave†Abominable 2. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"Inhuman†Sauntered 3. From the Latin word meaning ‘to loosen†Carouses 4. From the middle French word meaning â€Å"to drink completely†Covetous 5. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to desire†Blasphemy 6. From the Greek word meaning â€Å"to speak evil of†Pallor 7. From the Latin Absolution 8.From the Middle English word meaning â€Å"to muse or meditate†S uperfluity 9. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to overflow' Transcend 10. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to climb across†Re-write 5 sentences above in your own words Avarice 1 . From the old French word meaning â€Å"to desire†Abominable 2. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"godly' Sauntered 3. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to walk gaily' Carouses 4. From the middle French word meaning â€Å"drunken†Covetous 5. From the Latin word meaning â€Å"to want†After Reading Questions 1 .What events prompt the three rioters to seek Death? Set out to find Death after becoming drunk at a bar. Their intoxication makes them believe that they can find and kill death itself. 2. What way is the rioter's discovery at the old tree unexpected? They find gold coins and excited about their newly covered treasure, subsequently forget about Death 3. Describe the events that directly lead to their deaths. The three men draw straws to see who among them should fetch wine and food while the other two wait under the tree.The youngest of the three men drew the shortest straw. The two men who stay behind secretly plot to kill the other one when he returns, while the one who leaves for the town poisons some of the wine with rat poison. When he returns with the food and drink, the other two kill him and drink the poisoned wine ? also dying (and finding Death) 4. Where you able to correctly anticipate everything? No, I was surprised by how some events developed. 5. What theme about corruption do you think Chaucer conveys through the selection? Greed is the root of evil.The three young men, who first show their lack of restraint or self-discipline by being drunk early in the morning and then make the mistake of going in search of Death (rather like looking for trouble), quickly lose their loyalty to one another when they find gold (in the place where a mysterious old man told them they would find Death) and are then separated. Two plots to kill one, t he one contrive o kill the two, and all three find what they initially went looking for. 6. A foil is a character that provides a striking contrast to other characters.In what way does the old man serve as a foil to the three rioters? He is a foil to the rioters in that he represents the wisdom of old age. Unlike the rioters, the old man is calm, sober, and respectful; he understands that human beings have no control over death. 7. Cox Irony Example(s) from â€Å"The Pardoner's Tale 1 . Verbal irony occurs when someone states one thing and means another. The Pardoner makes a speech at the end of the selection, when he tries to sell organizers; by his earlier admission, he doesn't believe in the church's teachings about sin, forgiveness, and damnation. . Situational irony is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. The rioters expect to find Death under the tree; instead they find gold, which leads to their death. 3. In dramatic irony, the readers kno w more than the characters do. The reader is aware that the older rioters have conspired against the youngest. 9. During the mid-14th century, the Black Death – a massive epidemic of the bubonic plague – swept through Asia and Europe. In Europe alone, one-quarter of the population died.In what way might these circumstances have made people vulnerable to the tricks of the Pardoner and other unscrupulous clergymen? Christians would have feared dying without forgiveness for their sins, as doing so would have meant eternal damnation. The outbreak of the plague would have led many to seek forgiveness in the form of indulgences. They might also have looked to the supposed power of his relics to keep them healthy. Vocabulary in Context 1. False 2. True 3. True Vocabulary Strategy 1. Debonair 3. Piquant 4. Nuance 5. Echelon Vocabulary Study 1. Meting: parley 2. Greed : Avarice .Criticized: Castigated 1. Critique 2. Encore 3. Genre 4. Souvenirs 5. Repartee 6. Most African Ameri can males have brunette hair 7. The finale to the festivals was a ground display of fireworks 8. Women often use rouge cosmetics to color their checks and lips. Vocabulary Practice 1. Parley 2. Avarice 3. Castigate 4. Avarice 5. Parley 6. Castigate 7. The Pardoner's tale is a satire of a man who preaches to people about the evils of money, claiming ‘The love of money is the root of evil. ‘ This phrase was taken directly out of the Bible. In effect, the Pardoner is guilty of his own avarice actions, making
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana
Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana Ghana is a country located in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. The country is known for being the second largest producer of cocoa in the world as well as its incredible ethnic diversity. Ghana currently has more than 100 different ethnic groups in its population of just over 24 million. History of Ghana Ghanas history prior to the 15th century is concentrated primarily on oral traditions. However, it is believed that people may have inhabited what is present-day Ghana from about 1500 BCE. European contact with Ghana began in 1470. In 1482, the Portuguese built a trading settlement there. Shortly thereafter for three centuries, the Portuguese, English, Dutch, Danes, and Germans all controlled different parts of the coast. In 1821, the British took control of all of the trading posts located on the Gold Coast. From 1826 to 1900, the British then fought battles against the native Ashanti and in 1902, the British defeated them and claimed the northern part of todays Ghana. In 1957, after a plebiscite in 1956, the United Nations determined that the territory of Ghana would become independent and combined with another British territory, British Togoland, when the entire Gold Coast became independent. On March 6, 1957, Ghana became independent after the British gave up control of the Gold Coast and the Ashanti, the Northern Territories Protectorate and British Togoland. Ghana was then taken as the legal name for the Gold Coast after it was combined with British Togoland in that year. Following its independence, Ghana underwent several reorganizations that caused the country to be divided into 10 different regions. Kwame Nkrumah was the first prime minister and president of modern Ghana and he had goals of unifying Africa as well as freedom and justice and equality in education for all. His government, however, was overthrown in 1966. Instability was then a major part of Ghanas government from 1966 to 1981, as several government overthrows occurred. In 1981, Ghanas constitution was suspended and political parties were banned. This later caused the countrys economy to decline and many people from Ghana migrated to other countries.By 1992, a new constitution was adopted, the government began to regain stability, and the economy started to improve. Today, Ghanas government is relatively stable and its economy is growing. Government of Ghana Ghanas government today is considered a constitutional democracy with an executive branch made up of a chief of state and a head of government filled by the same person. The legislative branch is a unicameral Parliament while its judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court. Ghana is also still divided into 10 regions for local administration: Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, and Western. Economics and Land Use in Ghana Ghana currently has one of the strongest economies of West Africas countries due to its richness of natural resources. These include gold, timber, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, silver, salt, and limestone. However, Ghana remains dependent on international and technical assistance for its continued growth. The country also has an agriculture market that produces things like cocoa, rice, and peanuts, while its industries are focused on mining, lumber, food processing, and light manufacturing. Geography and Climate of Ghana Ghanas topography consists mainly of low plains but its south-central area does have a small plateau. Ghana is also home to Lake Volta, the worlds largest artificial lake. Because Ghana is only a few degrees north of the Equator, its climate is considered tropical. It has a wet and dry season but it is mainly warm and dry in the southeast, hot and humid in the southwest and hot and dry in the north. More Facts About Ghana Capital: AccraBordering Countries: Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, TogoLand Area: 92,098 square miles (238,533 sq km)Coastline: 335 miles (539 km)Highest Point: Mount Afadjato at 2,887 feet (880 m)Ghana has 47 local languages but English is its official language.Association football or soccer is the most popular sport in Ghana and the country regularly participates in the World Cup.Ghanas life expectancy is 59 years for males and 60 years for females. References CIA - The World Factbook - Ghana. Central Intelligence Agency, May 2010.ï » ¿Ghana. United States Department of State, March 2010.Ghana: History, Geography, Government, and Culture. Infoplease.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Privateers in the War of 1812
Privateers in the War of 1812 Privateers were captains of merchant ships legally sanctioned to attack and capture ships of enemy nations. American privateers had played a useful role in the American Revolution, attacking British ships. And when the United States Constitution was drafted it contained a provision for the federal government to authorize privateers. In the War of 1812, American privateers played a major role, as armed merchant ships sailing from American ports attacked, seized, or destroyed a great many British merchant ships. The American privateers actually did much more damage to British shipping than the U.S. Navy, which was greatly outnumbered and outgunned by Britains Royal Navy. Some American privateer captains became heroes during the War of 1812, and their exploits were celebrated in American newspapers. Privateers sailing from Baltimore, Maryland were especially aggravating to the British. London newspapers denounced Baltimore as a nest of pirates. The most significant of the Baltimore privateers was Joshua Barney, a naval hero of the Revolutionary War who volunteered to serve in the summer of 1812 and was commissioned as a privateer by President James Madison. Barney was immediately successful at raiding British ships on the open ocean and received press attention. The Columbian, a New York City newspaper, reported on the results of one of his raiding voyages in the issue of August 25, 1812: Arrived at Boston the English brig William, from Bristol (England) for St. Johns, with 150 tons of coal, ; a prize to the privateer Rossie, commodore Barney, who had also captured and destroyed 11 other British vessels, and captured the ship Kitty from Glasgow, of 400 tons and ordered her for the first port. The British naval and land attack on Baltimore in September 1814 was, at least in part, intended to punish the city for its connection to privateers. Following the burning of Washington, D.C., British plans to burn Baltimore were thwarted, and the American defense of the city was immortalized by Francis Scott Key, an eyewitness, in The Star-Spangled Banner. History of Privateers By the dawn of the 19th century, the history of privateering stretched back at least 500 years. The major European powers had all employed privateers to prey upon the shipping of enemies in various conflicts. The official commissions which governments gave to authorize ships to operate as privateers were generally known as letters of marque. During the American Revolution, state governments, as well as the Continental Congress, issued letters of marque to authorize privateers to seize British merchant ships. And British privateers likewise preyed upon American ships. In the late 1700s, ships of the East India Company sailing in the Indian Ocean were known to have been issued letters of marque and preyed upon French vessels. And during the Napoleonic Wars, the French government issued letters of marque to ships, sometimes manned by American crews, which preyed upon British shipping. Constitutional Basis for Letters of Marque The use of privateers was considered an important, if not essential, part of naval warfare in the late 1700s when the United States Constitution was written. And the legal basis for privateers was included in the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8. That section, which includes a lengthy list of Congressional powers, includes: To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water. The use of letters of marque was specifically mentioned in the Declaration of War signed by President James Madison and dated June 18, 1812: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That war be and is hereby declared to exist between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the dependencies thereof, and the United States of America and their territories; and the President of the United States is hereby authorized to use the whole land and naval force of the United States, to carry the same into effect, and to issue private armed vessels of the United States commissions or letters of marque and general reprisal, in such form as he shall think proper, and under the seal of the United States, against the vessels, goods, and effects of the government of the said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the subjects thereof. Recognizing the importance of privateers, President Madison personally signed each commission. Anyone seeking a commission had to apply to the secretary of state and submit information about the ship and its crew. The official paperwork, the letter of marque, was extremely important. If a ship was captured on the high seas by an enemy ship and could produce an official commission, it would be treated as a combatant vessel and the crew would be treated as prisoners of war. Without the letter of marque, the crew could be treated as ordinary pirates and hanged.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ancient Roman Charioteers in the Roman Myths Essay
Ancient Roman Charioteers in the Roman Myths - Essay Example The sources reveal that most Roman charioteers died at a young age, thus implying the danger of such a career. For example, one driver for the Blue faction in around AD 68 died at the age of 25 (ILS 5284). Crescent, the driver for the Blue faction in around Ad 115-124 died at 22 years old (ILS 5285). Moreover, Fuscus, a driver for the Greens, died in around AD 35 at the age of 24 (ILD 5278). In the same way, Marcus Aurelius Polynices died at 29 and his brother Marcus Aurelius Mollicius Tatianus died at 20 (ILS 5286). All of these documented accounts of charioteers were never able to live past the age of 29. In fact, although some of the ancient Roman charioteers may have survived the race past the age of 30, charting as a career still posed as a great danger to many charioteers considering that there was always the possibility that one’s life would end early. The sources imply that the impulse to win and to keep racing was great despite the danger because of the promise of reward and recognition, thus further endangering one’s life in the seemingly endless pursuit of such a career. The promise and temptation of the rewards accorded to the best charioteers must have been a continuous source of inspiration for many young charioteers who sought fame, fortune and recognition. For example, the driver for the Blue faction in around AD 68 received honors 354 times (ILS 5284). Glabrio, in around AD 115-124, received prizes of 1,558,346 sesterces (ILS 5285). In addition, Marcus Aurelius Polynices won the 40,000-sesterces prize 3 times, the 30,000-sesterces prize 26 times, and the pure prize 11 times (ILS 5286). Lacerta of the Reds also made as much money as to finance 100 lawyers to leave his sons (ILS 5287). Publius Aelius Gutta Calpurnianus, also won numerous awards, with the greatest at 50,000 sesterces once, 40,000 sesterces 9 times, an d 30,000 sesterces 17 times (ILS 5288). Such prices have been so great and so there was always the drive in the charioteers to achieve these rewards. Moreover, erected monuments and speeches to glorify the victors even in their deaths actually served as an inspiration to many charioteers to keep on with their careers.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Describe the economic background of British Airways. Identify three Essay
Describe the economic background of British Airways. Identify three probelms and propose three solutions - Essay Example it would be to exhibit the proclamations of this corporation, we must first understand British Airways’ true economic past and current situation that we may assess any apparent failures and successes. British Airways has, in its years of operation, has continued its vocation with responsible and efficient provided services. In the suspect economy the international aviation market now possesses, it is almost ridiculous to specifically relate past economic standings to those of today, for today’s market differs even from yesterdays, ad infinitum. However, in keep this notion, we may view British Airways’ past economic conditions in comparison to the company’s internal and separate record. To be most efficient, we view the status of the company from the year 96 to present; keeping in mind, of course, how absolute the success of this business has been. With it’s highly regarded standing as one, if not the only, leading carrier in the UK, British Airways has carried millions of passengers out of 550 airports including its main station which is the largest international airport in the world; Heathrow. The company has multiple industry partners including franchise partner GB Airways, British Mediterranean, Sun Air and Comair, and â€Å"oneworld†partners Iberia, Qantas, Finnair, American Airlines, Aer Lingus and Cathay Pacific Airways. UNICEF, British Airways’ United Nations Children’s Fund, commenced in April 1994 and has raised funds to support many a good cause; the most recent development in the effort being the launch of the â€Å"Change for Good†programme which offers funds raised to aid needy children across the world. In 2005 alone, British Airways received 34 Awards in various months for its services and overall business standards. Among them: â€Å"Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporation s,†given by Corporate Knights Inc at the World Economic Forum in February; Best International Airline and Best Domestic Airline, given by the Association of
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