Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Evaluation on the Validity of the Claim That American Public Education Essay
Assessment on the Validity of the Claim That American Public Education Has Been Consistently Lowering Its Standards and Expectations - Essay Example As indicated by the overview directed by ‘The National Assessment of Educational Progress’ (NAEP), the outcome known as â€Å"Nation’s Report Card,†delineated the positive results of the understudies having a place with fourth, eighth and twelfth grade standard on a universal premise. While, as opposed to the reports that introduced by NAEP, it tends to be seen that the scores of the US were a lot of lower standard in the overall setting (Gropman, â€Å"Waning Education Standards Threaten U.S. Competitiveness†; Alexander and Leticia 325-327). It has been additionally contended that the part of ‘Downward Mobility’ is frequenting the instruction arrangement of America. The understudies in the US are keeping away from in going to schools and universities with a dread that their youngsters having more prominent training foundation will be significantly more taught when contrasted with them. Further subtleties on the contention for the stand for example ‘American Public Education’ is getting reliably settled for what is most convenient option alongside desires have been refered to with certain esteemed perceptions. For example, Andreas Schleicher, who is viewed as an extraordinary guide identified with instruction at ‘Organisation for Economic Co-activity and Development’ (OECD) announces that It's something of incredible essentialness since a lot of the present financial intensity of the United States lays on an exceptionally serious extent of grown-up aptitudes - and that is currently in danger, (Coughlan â€Å"Downward versatility frequents US education†). This mirrors an away from about the overall instruction arrangement of America. On the side of the contention, the review report of OECD uncovered that the youthful grown-ups are in effect more taught than their folks dependent on the proportion of 1:5. As per the perspectives of Miles... This paper focuses on that it will be a false notion to pass judgment on the disappointment of American Public training framework because of the diligence of different unique perspectives about the concerned topic. It is the consequence of the arrangement of exercises and the political obstructions that in the end denied the state funded instruction arrangement of America from being thrived. In the examination, it has been contended that racial separation, denying the white collar class families, imbalance and ascend in the instruction consumptions are not many of the reasons that contributed in predictable disappointment of American government funded training framework as far as bringing down its guidelines alongside desires. The creator of the paper talks his own oppinion on the issue of American government funded instruction which based framework have not declined as of late. There are a few administrative approaches demanded upon the instruction area, demonstrating the adequacy o f the American government funded training framework. The educators assume a successful job in deciding the advancement of training arrangement of any country. This report makes an end that on as opposed to the disappointment of the American state funded instruction framework, the legislature is taking activities to actualize changed guidelines and approaches for improving the equivalent. Besides, it has been seen from the investigation that state funded training arrangement of the US incredibly influences five imperative security fronts that include financial development alongside intensity, physical wellbeing of the country, US worldwide mindfulness and US solidarity alongside attachment. Consequently, it is important for the US government to define strategies on prompt premise to build up the current state funded training arrangement of America.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Life Before and After the Fall of Communism in the Czech Republic
Do 1 Life Before and After the Fall of Communism in the Czech Republic Recently the senate and district races in the Czech Republic affirmed that the inclination of Czech voters is moving to one side, what's more the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia got the second most noteworthy number of votes. The outcomes are upsetting, in light of the fact that the last time Communists won the surveys, the Czechs wound up being mistreated for more than 40 years until they figured out how to oust the legislature. Presently it appears that similar individuals have experienced an aggregate memory loss.Have they overlooked how life was before 1989 and what wrongdoings the socialists submitted during their rule? Deciding in favor of the socialists is a misstep, which ought to never be made, in light of the fact that it is extensively better not to have them meddle in our lives. Perhaps the greatest distinction among once in a while is the climate of the time. In those days individuals depicted the climate as â€Å"shades of grey†. They were not urged to appear as something else, on opposite independence was persecuted and disliked. Thus the vast majority of the individuals were hesitant to do or say whatever would make them stand apart of the crowd.This came about likewise in a climate of dread. These days independence is upheld in practically any territory conceivable. Since early on individuals are pushed to be innovative and this imagination recognizes us from others. We have the right to speak freely of discourse, which implies that we can whine about anything even our present government, while in those days in the event that you said anything negative regarding the socialists they would place you in jail. The idea of opportunity was additionally altogether different. There was certifiably not a genuine popular government with the socialists in power. The socialist system in Czechoslovakia was described by the nonappearance of free elections.Many fundamental hu man rights were restricted, for example, opportunity in political or strict convictions, the right to speak freely of discourse, the option to gather or the privilege to training. This influenced the Do 2 existences of individuals hugely and a large number of them were unsatisfied and furious, anyway most of the general public was reluctant to do anything. The explanation was that the socialists disposed of awkward individuals. They terminated individuals, they ensured their youngsters couldn't jump on the ideal colleges; they coerced, tormented and murdered individuals through organized trials.For most of society it was less difficult to go about as though they approved of the system. These days human rights are made sure about through incalculable presentations, laws and arrangements. Universal associations manage recognition and nations that penetrate these agreements need to confront assents and they need to reply to the International Court of Justice. There are likewise signifi cant contrasts in the regular daily existence of typical individuals in those days and now. During the rule of Communists it was taboo to go out of Czechoslovakia.Only those, who had unique consent, could travel abroad and still, at the end of the day, the greater part of these individuals were checked by the mystery administration. Socialism is carefully against private enterprise thus the Communists attempted to persuade the open that the free enterprise nations were awful and that financially and socially revolutionary nations were in an ideal situation than the majority of the western industrialist world. Therefore they couldn't let individuals travel abroad, in light of the fact that it would be clean right up that they were intentionally beguiling them. Individuals experienced serious difficulties when they went to shop.There were no items from industrialist nations and wherever the choice was extremely poor. Things as garments, present day innovation or even meat were rare it ems. This may sound practically mind boggling to an individual, who didn't encounter this period or who was brought into the world after the fall of socialism. We live in a worldwide present reality. Individuals travel to the farthest corners of the world. It takes a couple of snaps to arrange anything from anyplace on the planet through the Internet. Individuals are encircled by shopping centers with a tremendous determination. At the end of the day we have everything that we need at the compass of our hands. Do 3As we can see life during the radical system was a lot harder than life today and it was loaded with dread, vulnerability, and bad form. Individuals lost a significant number of their fundamental human rights, they needed to smother their independence and capitulate to the system. In the event that we contrast it with the existence that we have now, we have actually nothing to whine about and clearly we are in an ideal situation without the Communists in the administration . It is then difficult to understand why the Czechs are overlooking so rapidly, what the socialists have done in this nation just a couple of decades back and why such a significant number of them have casted a ballot in their favor.I would propose increasingly enlightening efforts about this time of history all together for the Czechs to adapt appropriately about their history, in light of the fact that as George Santayana once composed: â€Å"Those who can't recall the past are sentenced to rehash it†(1). Do Thuy Linh (Linda) Paula Solon Composition I Comparison and Contrast Essay †Life Before and After the Fall of Communism in the Czech Republic November 8, 2012 Essay Outline Thesis: Voting for the socialists is a slip-up, which ought to never be made, in light of the fact that it is extensively better not to have them meddle in our lives.Introduction: The aftereffects of late races in the Czech Republic show a move of voters' inclination to one side. The most upsett ing result is that the second most elevated number of votes has a place with the Communists. The air in those days and now. â€Å"Shades of grey†and air of dread People have a sense of security and free Concept of opportunity in those days and now/There was no genuine majority rules system and fundamental human rights were abused Human rights are these days made sure about through incalculable universal agreements Everyday existence of ordinary individuals in those days and now.Things as voyaging and shopping were blocked or denied Today in this worldwide world we can go anyplace and purchase nearly anything Conclusion: Comparing life in those days and now plainly we don't have anything to grumble about. It is then difficult to accept how the Communists got such a significant number of votes. Perhaps the Czechs need increasingly educational battles so as to adapt appropriately about their history. Works Cited 1. Santayana, George. The Life of Reason. London: Prometheus Books , 1998. Print.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Books Are Not Data
Books Are Not Data You might have come across a recent article by Joshua Rothman in The New Yorker entitled An Attempt to Discover the Laws of Literature, and you might have thought, huh, the laws of literature? As in, the laws of physics? Yeah, well, Im standing up on my soapbox and saying, hey, books are NOT data, theyre books. Now, this article stirred up lots of feelings latent in my brain since I left academia several years ago. I was a literary studies grad student at a time of flux, when close reading was falling out of fashion, distant reading was a hot new phrase, and the next big Theory of Reading was still on the horizon. And lil ol me, I was just sitting there in seminars and lectures thinking, what about just reading? Whats wrong with that? So what was this article that got my hackles up? Well, it focuses on the work of noted Italian literary scholar and Stanford Professor Franco Moretti, the father of Distant Reading. Listen, do you remember when your English professor gave you an Emily Dickinson poem and told you to dissect it like it was a bug, considering each word and rhyme in order to understand the poems meaning? Well, that, of course, was close reading. Moretti wants you to gain some perspective and, you know, get as far away from that poem as you possibly can, preferably as far as the next galaxy. That way, youll have a better understanding of the arc of literature, i.e. distant reading. As Rothman explains, The basic idea in Morettis work is that, if you really want to understand literature, you cant just read a few books or poems over and overInstead, you have to work with hundreds or even thousands of texts at a time. By turning those books into data, and analyzing that data, you can discover facts about literature in generalthese types of analysescan show us the forest rather than the trees. Ok, ok, STOP. Now, Rothman acknowledges that while he may not subscribe to Morettis thinking concerning reading, he does appreciate the spirit of the enterprise because it forces literary people to think outside of the box and acknowledge all of the books that they will never and can never read. But books, my friends, books are still not data. Long ago, we stopped being able to read all that there was to read in the world, and the Earth kept spinning. We had to admit that our lifespans simply didnt allow us to read (or do) all the things we wished we could. And that is why this little thing called CHOICE was invented. You have the right to choose what you want to read (literary fiction, histories, biographies, science fiction, romance, poetry, essays, etc. etc. etc.) and each book will inevitably lead you to another. Another way to think about this is to look back at those Book Riot posts about diversity in reading (for instance, this one.) Ultimately, you must choose to read books written by people who dont look like you or think like you. The choice itself is a reflection of your desire to branch out, learn about other cultures, wrap your brain around new ways of thinking. The choice itself is a major step. But figuratively pouring mass quantities of books into a big computer and figuring out the average title length in the 19th century or the average number of words in 18th-century novels is not reading- and seems to belittle books, to me. Now, I know it sounds like Im comparing apples and oranges, but still. Were still talking about the worlds and words that change us for the better. Now, I heard Moretti speak on the campus of UW-Madison several years ago, and I was charmed. This dude is just so darn charming. And smart. And suave. But as I looked at his charts and listened to his analysis, I felt chilled. His work was interesting, but his data told me nothing about the books themselves. For me, distant reading, like close reading and all the other critical theories that offer us different ways in to books, is just another theory of reading. But what Ive realized, after reaching the other side of academia and launching back into reading for the fun of it, is that only you can decide how you appreciate reading. Ultimately, though, reading is the act of running your eyes across the page and processing the words into images, sounds, feelings, and ideas. We talk to each other about books, we read passages out loud to one another. We lovingly arrange books on shelves or in piles. We download hundreds of them onto our devices. And we immerse ourselves in the stories they tell. So dont talk to me about data, Franco, my dear. I simply dont want to hear about it. Im busy reading.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Barack Obama Speech Rhetorical Speech - 1229 Words
A powerful speech is the first step into engaging an audience through rhetorical strategies, it is also the stepping stone into introducing a way of thoughts, emotions and beliefs on an audience. When Barack Obama spoke to the Graduation Class of 2005 at Knox College, he used these strategies in more ways than one to engage the thoughts of those who attended the event. His credibility of being a senator not only strengthened his argument through Ethos but it made his emotional connection and logical facts seem stronger as well. This emotional connection was really captured when he used Pathos to relate to every single person in the audience by bringing up America’s past which has affected every individual present. His logical facts and the†¦show more content†¦This would start a promising argument which would start as he asked the question, â€Å"What is our place in history?†(Min 2:35, Obama). He continues this same theme fo credibility when he used the strat egy of Logos to present factual evidence during his engagement. He speaks upon history as if he lived it, as if every headline moment greatly affected him. This confidence in history really set up his success in trying to convince the audience through logic, also known as the logos technique. Obama added the idea that before the United States was an idea, history used to dictate what people could do, but now people are dictating history (Min 4:05, Obama). By using this inference, he proved why the work ethic of Americans has boosted our place in history which is the logical way to encourage fellow Americans to keep improving themselves. He then added a newfound term, political paralysis, which is when politics come to a stand still, an event that has yet to occur because, according to Obama, â€Å"We are constantly looking to improve†(Min 7:25, Obama). This political fact boosts his logical reasoning due to the fact that even politics are relying heavy on the constant improv ement of citizen interaction. Yet, even with our own improvement Obama proposes the greatest threat to our own jobs and and careers are those of different countries who can do it fasterShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama s Speech1132 Words  | 5 Pagesor Washington, D.C. in 1963. However, on March 18, 2008, at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, soon-to-be President Barack Obama, a black man with an African father, took the stage and delivered a speech that would paint the racial landscape of his historic presidency. In his speech, Obama welds three distinctive rhetorical tactics to support his overarching argument that unity is compulsory in this country to produce racial equality. First, he opens with a personal andRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obamas First Inaugural Speech1547 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 2015 The Power of Rhetorical Devices in Barack Obamas First Inaugural Speech Introduction: Attention Getter/Hook (No Questions, 1 Sentence): â€Å"We the people have remained faithful to the ideas of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.†Bridge/Introducing the Idea (2-3 Sentences minimum): Barack Obama is consoling and complementing us on our past and encouraging us to stick together for our future. This is very important because we know that Barack Obama is here for us and he willRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech1181 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech Introduction: Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the U.S on November 6th, 2012. Barack Obama held his Victory Speech on the following day. 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In his speech addressed at the 50th anniversary of Selma march, President Barack Obama uses rhetoric to persuade his audience, Americans as a whole, to discourage racism in the United States. President Obama appeals to the rhetorical strategies, uses rhetorical devices, and applies a presentation style; which make his speech effective in terms of rhetoric. President Obama appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos to get his message about racism across to his audience. Throughout his speech, the PresidentRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech1245 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech This speech was given by Barack Obama who won 2012 election as the president. I’m going to analysis his voice, audience, speaker’s message and occasion for the speech. Different angle, different view can show all the Obama’s rhetorical words in his victory speech. In 2012, this is Barack Obama’s second inaugural. He had greatest way to put all the rhetorical words in his speech. It was one of the best of his speech so far. Rhetoric was made in fifthRead MoreBarack Obama Speech At Wakefield High School1025 Words  | 5 PagesSeptember 7, 2009, Barack Obama delivered a speech at Wakefield High school. Obama’s main purpose of the speech was going back to school. I choose this speech because the obvious use of rhetorical evidence. Obama is the 44th and current president of the United States. He was a civil-rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career. Through Barak Obama’s use of his awareness of the rhetorical situation, timing of conditions, and his appropriateness he delivers a speech with the intent to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Environmental Psychology - 1060 Words
Environmental psychology provides a relatively new and at the same time complex perspective on the connection between the human being and the surrounding environment. Despite the fact that this area of expertise represents a mix of several sciences, among which economics, psychology, sociology (Bechtel and Churchman, 2002, p2-5), it provides a structured view on the interactions humans have with their surroundings. Given this co dependence, there are numerous events that happen every day that affect the relation between the human being and its environment. We live in an ever dependent world and environment. Therefore, it is only natural that world breaking events shape and influence life for communities and countries. Alexa Spence and Nick Pidgeon point out this very fact in an article presented in the online version of Environment Magazine, Psychology, Climate Change Sustainable Behavior (2009). They provide certain tools that can be used to change in the behavior of consumers and ordinary citizens once climate change has become a subject for discussion for the international community. The main point the authors are raising concerns the way in which the society, aware on the intrinsic need to change in order to adapt to new challenges faced by climate change, can actually find the motivation, means, and capacity to do this. More precisely, the authors raise the issues of What represents a sustainable lifestyle, and how might competing visions of this beShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Psychology1009 Words  | 5 PagesEnvironmental Psychology Paper Robyn A. Cole August 13, 2012 PSY 460 Edward A. Muhammad, M.S. Environmental Psychology For more than the past ten years, the field of psychology has covered drawn out analysis and delved into the correlation among human beings and the environment. Clayton and Myers state that, â€Å"Recent quantitative assessments of the human impact on nature give a sobering picture: the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment found that about 60% of the earth’s ecosystem Read MoreEnvironmental Psychology Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesPsychology Psychology is the study of how human beings and animals sense, think, learn and know. Psychology is a science based on observations and theories. Modern psychology is the collecting of facts and turning them into psychological theories to explain peoples behavior and sometimes to predict and influence their future behavior. Psychology, in the past, has been assumed to have clear sub-fields (headings). Although there are many differences between the different classifications ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Cosmopolitanism On Environmental Psychology906 Words  | 4 Pagescosmopolitanism on environmental psychology is highly significant. This article is meaningful to me because it shows different culturals and how pro environmental behaviours is beneficial. Being environmentally responsible: Cosmopolitan orientation predicts pro environmental Behaviors. Leung, Angela K.-Y.; Koh, Kelly; Tam, Kim-Pong Journal of environmental psychology, Vol 43, Sep 2015, 79 94. In the articleRead MoreHow Do We Define Environmental Psychology925 Words  | 4 PagesTo define environmental psychology, one must do so by considering the following four key features: â€Å"interactive approach; interdisciplinary and international; problem-focused, applied field; and diversity of methods†(Steg et. al., 2013, p. 5-6). To sum, interactive behavior is best understood by me as one’s interactions with nature and the effect nature ends up having on one after engagement has occurred. As a child, I grew up in Jackson County Forest in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. As well, withRead MoreA Brief Note On Environmental Psychology Research Methods Essay713 Words  | 3 PagesEnvironmental Psychology Research Methods Summary In this study conducted by Megan J. Bissing-Olsoni, Aarti Iyer, Kelly S. Fielding and Hannes Zacher, a survey/diary design was used to examine the relationship of pro-environmental behavior, employees daily affect, pro-environmental attitude, daily task-related pro-environmental behavior, and daily proactive pro-environmental behavior. There were 56 participants in the study and they were all employed in small businesses. The surveys were doneRead MoreEnvironmental Psychology875 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Psychology Olubunmi Ruby Akinsanya Environmental Psychology/460 10/5/2010 Richard Hill Title of Paper Why do individuals act differently in different social settings? Environmental Psychology is the field of psychology which studies the way human behavior is affected by their environment. Environment refers to an individual’s social setting, which can change consistently.  (Fisher, 2007). Social settings and educational settings, professional settings and homeRead MoreEnvironmental Psychology Article Analysis866 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Psychology Article Analysis University of Phoenix Environmental Psychology Article Analysis Environmental psychology does not just study how man affects his environment but also how the environment and natural occurrences affect man. The continual cause and affect cycle from both sides of the equation give purpose to environmental psychology as well as incorporating other disciplines. Unlike many disciplines that have a single focus, the focus of environmental psychologyRead MoreEnvironmental Psychology Article Analysis1058 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Psychology Article Analysis Introduction The paper will critically analyze three chosen articles related to the field of environmental psychology. Important facts highlighted in the article, the week and strong points of the article and most importantly the impact that the article has on the field of environmental psychology will be discussed in the paper. The first article is the fifth chapter Coping with Stress taken from the book Health psychology, 2nd ed.) written by RichardRead MoreEnvironmental Psychology And Its Effects On The Environment2034 Words  | 9 Pagesof instances air pollution can not be seen with the naked eye, however it can be seen when clouds of particulate matters appear above a city. As disturbing as seeing polluted air is, it is the unseen pollutants that is a greater danger. Environmental psychology tells us that personal manners and behavior have an effect on the environment. By doing research on how we harm our environment, processes may be put in place to off set and limit such behaviors. Bio-fuel, wind energy, solar energy, cleanRead MoreThe Depletion Of Natural Elements Has A Negative Impact On Human Mind?1775 Words  | 8 Pagesnature is crucial for his health care, to overlook the impact of restorative outdoor spaces on human health and psych. Existing research: Access to nature can enhance wellness Research from many quarters, including the fields of healthcare, psychology, design, public health, and other disciplines indicates that access to nature can enhance health and wellness. Annerstedt and Wahrborg (2011) propose three main kinds of public health effects related to nature: short-term recovery from stress or
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Techniques, methods and tools used in the project life cycle Free Essays
Introduction A Project is the combination of organizational resources pulled together to create something that did not previously exist and that will provide a performance capability in the design and execution of organizational strategies (Cleland and Ireland, 2006). Projects have a distinct life cycle, starting with an idea and progressing through design, engineering and manufacturing or construction through use by a project owner. For a project to be successful there are main things which are to be considered always, like the cost of the whole project, time that it’s going to take for it to be complete, the technical performance capability that it’s going to provide and be able to match the results with the design and execution of organizational strategies. We will write a custom essay sample on Techniques, methods and tools used in the project life cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now This whole process in the other name it’s called Project Management. Project management is an important management tool to implement strategy and achieve an organization’s strategic goals. Organizations are using projects to adapt to changes in the competitive environment including increasing cost pressures, scarce available resources, global competition, new technologies and a race to get products to customers first (Hyvari, 2006). Projects deliver the most benefit when they are directly linked to corporate strategy (Crawford, 2006, Srivannaboon, 2006). Also, Project Management is a continuing process of controlling the development of a project from initial planning, to monitoring progress and finally to seeing the successful completion of the project. Every program, project, or product has certain phases of development known as life cycle phases. A clear understanding of these phases permits managers and executives to better control resources to achieve organizational goals (Kerzner, 2003). As a result, the project manager must learn to deal with a wide range of problems and opportunities, each in a different stage of evolution and each having different relationships with the evolving project (Cleland and Ireland, 2002). In this assignment, I’m going to discuss all the activities that are required and analyse some of the techniques, methods and tools used on the project life cycle. Also, I will discuss the skills and competences that project managers’ needs to possess. At the end, I will talk about the roles played by the stakeholders and the contribution of the computer packages towards the successful running of a major project. a) The Project Life Cycle refers to a logical sequence of activities to accomplish the project’s goals or objectives. Regardless of scope or complexity, any project goes through a series of stages during its life. There is first an Initiation or Birth phase, in which the outputs and critical success factors are defined, followed by a Planning phase, characterized by breaking down the project into smaller parts/tasks, an Execution phase, in which the project plan is executed, and lastly a Closure or Exit phase, that marks the completion of the project. Project activities must be grouped into phases because by doing so, the project manager and the core team can efficiently plan and organize resources for each activity, and also objectively measure achievement of goals and justify their decisions to move ahead, correct, or terminate. It is of great importance to organize project phases into industry-specific project cycles. WhyNot only because each industry sector involves specific requirements, tasks, and procedures when it comes to projects, but also because different industry sectors have different needs for life cycle management methodology. And paying close attention to such details is the difference between doing things well and excelling as project managers. Diverse project management tools and methodologies prevail in the different project cycle phases. Let’s take a closer look at what’s important in each one of these stages: 1) Initiation In this first stage, the scope of the project is defined along with the approach to be taken to deliver the desired outputs. The project manager is appointed and in turn, he selects the team members based on their skills and experience. The most common tools or methodologies used in the initiation stage are Project Charter, Business Plan, Project Framework (or Overview), Business Case Justification, and Milestones Reviews. 2) Planning The second phase should include a detailed identification and assignment of each task until the end of the project. It should also include a risk analysis and a definition of a criteria for the successful completion of each deliverable. The governance process is defined, stake holders identified and reporting frequency and channels agreed. The most common tools or methodologies used in the planning stage are Business Plan and Milestones Reviews. 3) Execution and controlling The most important issue in this phase is to ensure project activities are properly executed and controlled. During the execution phase, the planned solution is implemented to solve the problem specified in the project’s requirements. In product and system development, a design resulting in a specific set of product requirements is created. This convergence is measured by prototypes, testing, and reviews. As the execution phase progresses, groups across the organization become more deeply involved in planning for the final testing, production, and support. The most common tools or methodologies used in the execution phase are an update of Risk Analysis and Score Cards, in addition to Business Plan and Milestones Reviews. 4) Closure In this last stage, the project manager must ensure that the project is brought to its proper completion. The closure phase is characterized by a written formal project review report containing the following components: a formal acceptance of the final product by the client, Weighted Critical Measurements (matching the initial requirements specified by the client with the final delivered product), rewarding the team, a list of lessons learned, releasing project resources, and a formal project closure notification to higher management. No special tool or methodology is needed during the closure phase. Reference List Kerzner, H. (2003). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (8th ed.). New Jersey: John wiley Sons Inc. Cleland, D.I, Ireland, L.R. (2006). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 26 Cleland, D.I, Ireland, L.R. (2002). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 32 Crawford, L., Hobbs, B. Turner, J.R. (2006), Aligning capability with strategy: Categorizing projects to do the right projects and to do them right, Project Management Journal; Jun. 37, 2; ABI/INFORM Global, pp.38-50 Hyvari, I. (2006), Project management effectiveness in project oriented business organisations, International Journal of Project Management, 24 pp. 216-225 Srivannaboon, S. (2006), Linking project management with business strategy, Project Management Journal, Dec; 37, 5; ABI/Inform Global, pp.88-96 How to cite Techniques, methods and tools used in the project life cycle, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethnicity in Social Context-Free-Sample for Students-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the Ethnicity in Social Context. Answer: Introduction A very simple explanation of ethnicity is the state of being part of a common group or cultural tradition. When a group of people share a common distinct culture, religion or language, then it is known as an ethnic group. In terms of social existence there are various factors which influence both social inclusion as well as social exclusion. Social inclusion signifies the process where various groups or individuals are given the chance to engage in several economic, political and social systems. On the contrary social exclusion is the process when individuals or groups are relegated to the fringe of the society. In this study an in depth understanding will be gained on the inclusion and exclusion in the society with reference to the ethnicity of an individual or group. An attempt will be made to identify the issues related to inclusion and exclusion in the ethnicity context and also describe the anti-oppressive practices, and that how it might impact ones own practice and relationshi p with the client. This way it will help in understanding how effective counseling can build good relationships even in a cross cultural context. Ethnicity In this study to explain ethnicity the Scottish culture will be taken. Scots are a native group found in Scotland. If the emergence of the group is traced back in history it will be seen that this group emerged when Picts and Gaels merged to form the kingdom of Scotland. People of Scottish descent are spread all across the globe, majorly in the country of Canada (De Kock et al., 2015). The three major languages spoken by the Scots are English, Scots and Gaelic. In terms of religion, the faith that majority of people in Scotland practice is Christianity. The Scots basically means painted people as they have a custom of painting or tattooing their bodies. Hence this provides a clear picture on the ethnicity of the Scottish people and how different it is from the people of New Zealand. They possess a deep rooted culture with rich mythology, very different art form and also performing arts (Marquardt Herrera, 2015) Ethnicity in a social context It is often seen in a social context that an individual is judged on the basis of his national identity. This is often decided by the fact whether claims of that particular individual is regarded by the society. Hence it can be said that ethnicity often makes an individual an outsider. It ultimately leads to social inclusion or exclusion (Kastoryano Schader, 2014).. Since ethnicity or racism is still a subject of taboo in most countries hence there are very few studies relating to the role played by ethnicity or race in social exclusion and inequality. The four major premises on which ethnicity works are: language, region, religion and caste. Religion Religion is one of the common factors which can give rise to lot of issues within the social paradigm. This is specially seen in places where there is existence of several religions being practiced by the population. The stress of the religion based identities often lead to communal riots (Clammer, 2017).. The communal riots again can cause marginalization in the society. This leads to exclusion in the society. Probably that is the reason it is often stated that religion is the most critical point that attacks a particular culture. Religion has thus often been coined as the first sense that builds the feeling of community. But religion should never be perceived as a social security card. Since religion also refers to social inclusion, many wants to grasp it as a tool to adhere to the cream of the society, but that should not be the case. As ethnicity which incorporates religion in itself is not a differentiating factor. Language Apart from religion the other aspect that often creates many challenges or issues is languages. Linguistic aspirations often act as a threat in unity and integrity of any social system. Not only language but dialects often can cause a point of differentiation in the society (Steed, 2015). In the History of India it has often been seen that the concern of most political and social uprising has been due to linguistic differences. This has also caused both social inclusion and social exclusion as a result. Such region based ethnic objectives have been the cause of several social movements. The relationship of language and society has many issues ranging from international relations to interpersonal relationships. Another good example can be the language attitudes in America with respect to the English language. Studies of status of different languages across different countries will give a macro level understanding of social relations and culture (Hunting et al., 2015). An alternative a pproach to language and society, points out situations when usage of language is an activity altogether. In this context, for example, addressing a person by the prefix Mr. or Mrs. is not a case of knowing simple vocabulary. It is also about the relationship and also the social status of the person concerned. Similarly usage of sentence alternatives is not a matter of just simple sentence construction. Choosing the correct construction involves cultural values like politeness, status and deference. Hence this gives a much clearer idea as to hoe linguistic differences creates social barriers leading to social exclusions. Region and caste Since time immemorial it has been that all civilizations irrespective of the time, has structured society in a particular pattern. A good example is stratification like feudal lords and serfs, capitalist and proletariat (Wright Stickley, 2013). Hence it can be inferred that there is no existence of any society without stratification. Societies are stratified on the basis of class, status, caste and also income groups. The word caste had its origin in the Spanish word Casta which meant breed or race. In India caste was the basis of stratification of society since the age of the Rig Veda. There were several issues of caste which led to oppression among the people in the society. This oppression led to marginalization I the society. Even political issues were spurred using this as a tool. Region based demarcation in the society is also common all across the globe (Sacco et al., 2014). Inter regional conflicts have often led to demarcation in the society as a whole creating or inviting social inclusion. Anti Oppressive Practices The simple explanation of oppression is the utilization of power to marginalize silence or subordinate otherwise any social group or category in order to benefit the oppressor. Social oppression generally does not require a very formal organizational support; the desired effect can be made by mere focused individual actions. Anti oppression practices seeks to first identify the oppression that exists and then attempts to mitigate its effects trying to balance the power ij the society (Barak 2016). There are groups in the society and communities that is more powerful than the others based on the membership of that group. A good example can be the group of CEOs of major companies. It would be noticed that this group is dominated by White Males. On the contrary most fast food workers are dominated by women of colour. But when a close look is taken at social assistance or state aid, it will be seen most of it is received by aged or disable people. There are hardly available for oppressio n dominated b y ethnicity. Anti oppressive practices does not consist of any established structure or mode (Raj, 2017). It is a continuous process involving innovation. An attempt is being made in recent times about how using a range of anti oppressive ideas like poetry and creativity can break through the traditional modes and confront systematic oppression. Anti oppression has a much wider purview than just combing a bunch of categories of oppression. Anti oppressive stances or practices goes beyond any categorization. The most simple way or method of anti-oppression is to practice minimization of power hierarchies in the social structure. This can be best achieved by building the power of those who hold a marginalized identity in society and reducing the unfair power of those who are the so called privileged class in the society. In a larger context, emergence of anti oppression practices refers to deepening of globalization and the rise of the policies of neo liberalism. Hence a ttempts are being made by social workers all across the globe to clinically orient anti oppression with counseling (Luchies, 2015). Anti oppression practices embodies a philosophy that is person centered, an egalitarian value system that is working on reducing the deleterious effects of inequalities of structure upon a persons life. Hence the focus now is on correcting all injustices, building power of the less powered people and centering the needs of all those communities that have marginalized identities. The UN has specified human rights that work on mitigating social injustice. This helps students and other social workers in practicing theories and skills to uphold these obligations and fulfill the requirement of anti oppression practice. Community power and culture are associated with the maintenance of the equality in the organization and in the society. Identification of the relationship between the society and the associated ethnic group are concerned with the maintenance of the alignment with the diversity in the range of family concern and political beliefs (Ali Lees, 2013).. It has been found that the closed people group may safeguard and reinforce a specific 'culture', in any case, they lessen the encounters accessible to individuals, and they might be extremely defenseless against misconception, preference, persecution and even assault from those outside. Mill and Gwyne in the year 1972 have depicted the impact of institutional watch over disable. In this context, the application of anti-oppressive concern is associated with managing the client or individual from the extent of diverse treatment in the society (Baines, 2013). Anti-oppressive social work rehearses is a way to deal with training that includes a comprehension of the complexities and sources of the mistreatment that exists in our general public and effect on people. It incorporates numerous hypotheses including, however not constrained to "radical, basic, women's activist, against bigot, basic, and liberator systems". With the application of the anti-oppressive concern it has been found that the social workers are ensuring benefits with the development and application of the following client concern management- The application of anti-oppressive application is helping the social workers to maintain the high quality service for the clients. The workers are striving towards the enhancement and maintenance of the professional knowledge for the development of the skills for the client (Mattsson, 2014). Social workers are associated with showing the care for the interest of the client and safety of the practices for the areas of demonstrating the competence On the other hand, during the management of the client with the help of anti-oppression activities; it is essential for the workers to focus towards some of the relevant concerns as following Maintaining the awareness regarding the social differences Linking of the personal and political concern towards the development of the understanding Power related applications for the practice of mutual involvement from the end of client towards the society. Open doors for change are made by the procedure of the challenge. Difficulties are not generally effective and are frequently excruciating for the individual or gathering being tested or testing. Thus, application of anti-oppression is helping in understanding the challenges and suitable application to overcome the situation effectively (Danso, 2015). Conclusion This study clearly brings out the stratification in society that happens in the context of various cultural aspects; ethnicity being one of them. It also wonderfully explores how ethnicity can cause various situations that in turn bring about social inclusion as well as exclusion. These are all examples of oppressive practices that tend to marginalize particular groups, hence the study also discusses the various aspects of anti-oppression practices and how these have impacted the relationship of an individual with its surrounding and clients. The concept of counseling such relationships have been brought up so that these can eventually bridge the gap of stratification and nurture more of social inclusion rather than social exclusion. Referenes List Ali, A., Lees, K. E. (2013). The therapist as advocate: Anti?oppression advocacy in psychological practice.Journal of clinical psychology,69(2), 162-171. Baines, S. (2013). Music therapy as an anti-oppressive practice.The Arts in Psychotherapy,40(1), 1-5. Barak, M. E. M. (2016).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Clammer, J. (2017). Performing ethnicity: Beyond constructivism to social creativity.Social Alternatives,36(1), 30. Danso, R. (2015). An integrated framework of critical cultural competence and anti-oppressive practice for social justice social work research.Qualitative social work,14(4), 572-588. De Kock, C., Decorte, T., Vanderplasschen, W., Schamp, J., Derluyn, I., Hauspie, B., ... Sacco, M. (2015). Studying ethnicity and substance use: ontological considerations and methodological implications. InEthnic minority youth: drugs, gangs and street life. Hunting, G., Grace, D., Hankivsky, O. (2015). Taking action on stigma and discrimination: An intersectionality-informed model of social inclusion and exclusion.Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice,4(2), 101-125. Kastoryano, R., Schader, M. (2014). A comparative view of ethnicity and political engagement.Annual Review of Sociology,40, 241-260. Luchies, T. (2015). Towards an insurrectionary power/knowledge: Movement-relevance, anti-oppression, prefiguration.Social Movement Studies,14(5), 523-538. Marquardt, K. L., Herrera, Y. M. (2015). Ethnicity as a variable: an assessment of measures and data sets of ethnicity and related identities.Social Science Quarterly,96(3), 689-716. Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a useful tool: Anti-oppressive social work and critical reflection.Affilia,29(1), 8-17. Raj, F. (2017).Transport, demand management and social inclusion: The need for ethnic perspectives. Routledge. Sacco, D. F., Bernstein, M. J., Young, S. G., Hugenberg, K. (2014). Reactions to social inclusion and ostracism as a function of perceived in-group similarity.Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice,18(2), 129. Steed, K. (2015). Social inclusion and exclusion.Culturescope,106, 28. Wright, N., Stickley, T. (2013). Concepts of social inclusion, exclusion and mental health: a review of the international literature.Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,20(1), 71-81.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Rear Window free essay sample
An analysis of the 1954 movie, Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock. This paper introduces and discusses Hitchcocks movie Rear Window. Specifically it discusses how the film draws upon the aesthetic traditions of previous film movements, genres or national styles. It looks at the practice of voyeurism observation of other people and how this ties into the theme of the movie. Hitchcocks thriller Rear Window (1954) starred James Stewart and Grace Kelly, and tells the story of a photographer stuck in a wheelchair with a broken leg for several weeks. He cannot stand the boredom and lack of activity, so he begins watching his neighbors with some of his zoom lenses. He finds a neighbor who he believes is going to kill his wife, and tries to stop him, and save the woman. Using the story of a wheelchair-bound photographer (James Stewart) who passes the time recuperating from a broken leg by spying out his window into the apartments of his Greenwich Village neighbors, Hitchcock made a movie that both encourages voyeurism and shames it, that refuses to condemn it or applaud it (Taylor). We will write a custom essay sample on Rear Window or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Voyeurism is of course a main theme of the movie, but another theme is the inhumanity of Stewart (or anyone) to sit and spy on peoples personal moments, such as `Miss Lonleyhearts` dinner with an imaginary boyfriend who is not there. He also sees her attempt suicide, and although he does call the police, he does nothing else to help her. That is a commentary on our distance from our neighbors, and our distance from each other as human beings.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius
Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius Introduction to Tourism in Mauritius Tourism is regarded as one of the most important foreign exchange earners in Mauritius. The IMF (2012) reports that tourism is slightly over 8 percent of the countrys GDP, making it an important aspect of the islands economy. The growth in the tourism sector over the past 3 decades has contributed to the overall growth of the Mauritian economy.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The IMF (2012) reveals that tourism has served as a large engine of job creation in the country. The performance of Mauritiuss tourism sector has been impressive with the country experiencing a remarkable increase from having some 18,000 visitors a year in 1970 to some 400,000 visitors in 1994 and an impressive 960,000 visitors to the island in 2012. The tourism sector in Mauritius is largely homegrown. There are a number of major luxury hotel chains owned and operated by Mauritian entrepreneurs. In addition to this, the Mauritius business community has reinvested part of the proceeds from the sector into the Mauritius economy thereby fostering the countrys economy. Profile of Mauritian Tourists Mauritius is marketed as a high-class destination and targeted at up-market tourists. As an expensive tourist destination, the island is out of reach for the standard tourist. Bulcke and Verbeke (2009) reveal that the inflated airfares are an important factor in making the destination inaccessible. Graham and Forsyth (2012) observe that more than 90% of the total number of visitors to Mauritius go to the country for leisure purposes. The national carrier, Air Mauritius, enjoys almost a monopoly as the main passenger carrier to the island. A key attribute of the airline is that it charges high prices, which help to uphold the high-class destination image that the island has and continues to project. The limited c ompetition faced by Air Mauritius allows the airline to implement price discrimination based on nationality and the origin of the travel. This discrimination ensures that foreigners are charged significantly more than the Mauritius residents are. Since chartered flights are not allowed into the country, reaching Mauritius at a favourable rate proves to be impossible for many. European high-spenders make up the vast majority of Mauritius’ foreign tourists. The largest number of tourists to Mauritius is from France and the French island of Reunion located in the Indian Ocean. These two countries combined account for about 41% of the total number of foreign tourists visiting the country annually.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The popularity of Mauritius among the French travellers can be attributed to the islands long history with France. The islan d was held as a French colony from 1905 to 1810 when it was lost to the British after the Napoleonic wars. There is therefore deep history between France and the island with many cultural and language similarities between the two countries (Graham Forsyth, 2012). The other principal tourist-generating countries include South Africa, United Kingdom, India, Germany, and Italy. Major Attractions The primary attraction offered by Mauritius is the pristine natural setting of the country. Geographically, the Island has an expansive white sandy beach that extends for more than 140 kilometres. In addition to the impressive sandy beaches surrounding the island, the country has beautiful coral reefs that protect many natural lagoons found within the surrounding waters. The turquoise sea surrounding Mauritius is a prime tourist attraction. The combination of the splendid beaches, good climate, and impressive sea life has led to Mauritius being presented as a tropical paradise for tourists. To ensure that all tourists are able to enjoy the countrys physical assets, all tourist hotels in Mauritius have been built on or near the wide beaches or the protected lagoons giving visitors an opportunity to savour the natural beauty of the island. As a small island, Mauritius is able to market itself as a more attractive and exotic destination for tourists. Scheyvens and Momsen (2008) contend that small islands like Mauritius are able to obtain a much higher than average international arrivals growth rate since tourists travelling to this destination can delight in the fact that their island is not shared with any other tourism operators. This exotic nature of Mauritius makes it a prime tourist destination for high-end tourists.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Major Activities Mauritius has faced increasing competition in its prin cipal tourist-generating countries from other affordable destination. The island has therefore had to diversify its tourism products in order to maintain its clientele and even attract more. The increase in leisure opportunities to visitors was also prompted by the decline in average duration of stay by tourists in Mauritius. Graham and Forsyth (2012) explain that the government implemented a policy aimed at increasing the expenditure per day and rising the average duration of stay for each tourist. The island offers a wide range of water-related sports to its visitors. Common water sports include sea kayaking and kite surfing. Mauritius has a number of cultural and historical sites that tourists can visit. Port Louis offers the visitor an unreserved look into the colonial past of the island. There is a statue of the 17th century French naval officer Mahe de Labourdonnais and Queen Victoria (Mountain Proust, 2002). The two statues pay tribute to the two powers that colonized Maurit ius. The National History Museum has many artefacts that elaborate on the country’s history and its rich culture. In addition to this, the museum has a wide range of stuffed Mauritian birds offering the visitor a glimpse into the expansive bird population of the country. Shopping is another activity that tourists in Mauritius can engage in while visiting the country. The island has a number of high-end shops that offer luxury products from all over the world. There are also duty-free goods that tourists can purchase and duty applied to some luxury products has been reduced in order to promote purchasing by tourists. The island has a number of trendy bars and restaurants that appeal to the fun loving tourists. The island offers a host of nightlife activities including dancing and parties in its vibrant clubs (Mountain Proust, 2002). For further entertainment, the country has a number of world-class casinos that cater primarily for tourists. Tourists are therefore able to visi t these facilities and engage in gambling in the same way as they would do while at world famous gamblingAdvertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Bulcke, D. Verbeke, A. (2009). Handbook on Small Nations in the Global Economy: The Contributions of Multinational Enterprises to National Economic Success. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009 Epler, M.W. (2002). Ecotourism: Principles, Practices and Policies for Sustainability. Nairobi, UNEP. Graham, A., Forsyth, P. (2012). Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel. Boston: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. IMF (2012). Mauritius: 2012 Article IV Consultation Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mauritius. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund. Mountain, A. Proust, A. (2002). This is Mauritius. Pretoria: Struik.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The possible effects of splinting natural teeth to dental implant Essay
The possible effects of splinting natural teeth to dental implant restorations - Essay Example Modern dental implants help these dentally challenged people who have lost their teeth in some unfortunate way. Dental implants are so realistic that they are virtually identical to real teeth in form, sense and purpose. Dental implants allow these persons to eat normally again and are rest assured that their facial structures are back in line. The implants are actually miniature titanium posts, planted in the gaps where a tooth or a set of teeth should be. Once these are in place, these posts act as anchors and as tooth root replacements. The jawbone then bonds with the titanium, providing a base for the new tooth ("What are Dental Implants"). According to surveys, there are a lot of Americans suffering from oral deficiencies (Meskin & Brown; Harvey & Kelly). Implants are seen as appropriate alternatives to other oral correction aids, with about 300,000 to 428,000 implants performed each year (Seckinger et al). Osseo integration (Branemark) or functional ankylosis (Schroeder et al) are the formal terms for bone anchorage attributing to the sound success of dental implants. Osseointegration works at the microscopic level and it involves the bond between the bone and implant (Branemark). There are no unstable soft tissue connection between the bone and implant, and this implant bonds at an amazing level of efficiency. Electron microscope photographs show that the bone and implant are only about 20 nanometres apart (Listgarten et al). On metal implant surfaces, the oxidation reaction between titanium forms an oxide layer (3 to 5A) on the surface of the implant (Albrektsson). This oxide layer is highly desirable as it has a c eramic -like feel to it and is resistant to water and most forms of corrosion and is entirely organically attuned (Hansson et al; "Dental Implants in Periodontal Therapy"). History shows that implants were performed ever since people learned how to replace teeth in some way. The ancient Mayans have performed dental implants as evidenced in their obsidian carvings. In the recent eras, gold and other precious metals , ceramics , rubber, stainless steel were used at some point and has proved to be effective ("Implant history"). In 1952, Per-Ing-var Branemark, based in Sweden made a breakthrough discovery resulting in dental implants using various techniques and tools in dental technology. It turns that the metal titanium can bond with organic material well and when placed surgically in a jawbone, it facilitates anchorage and also the full recovery of gums. Thus the term "Osseo integration" was born ("Implant history"). Osseo integration was actually discovered accidentally by Dr. Brnemark. Dr. Brnemark observed that titanium can combine with bone tissue, a fact that is in contrast with modern scientific facts. He showed that under certain conditions, titanium can be incorporated into living tissue with much success and with out the hassles of tissue swelling or tissue rejection Dr. Brnemark as the discoverer of this occurrence' was also the one who first coined the term "Osseo integration" ("History of dental implants"). 1965 saw the birth of the new screw-shaped implants, but these types of implants wer subsequently improved until 1985. after this time that dentists were confident of this process and it has been used ever since. Throughout those 20
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
You can decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
You can decide - Essay Example Smith Woodward is the Keeper of Geology. He has joined Dawson in carrying out excavations at the Piltdown site at the end of May and during June 1912. Dawson and Woodward found remains of a fossil man dating from early Ice Age with ape-like jawbone with two teeth, more bits of skull, and several fossil animal teeth, bones, and flint tools. Disbelief was the first reaction of the scientific community, especially among Professor David Waterston of King’s College London, Dr. Gerrit Miller in America, and Professor Boule in France. According to them, anatomically speaking, the jaw could not have worked as a part of human skull when it is constructed in a different way. They also questioned the extraordinary wear of the teeth and the coincidence of finding all the fragments or specimen together. Weiner learned that the Piltdown man’s fragments were faked – the teeth had been chiseled down to resemble a human-like chewing pattern and stained with ordinary house paint to look like patina of age and ancient elephant and hippopotamus teeth were planted to the site. The same goes through for the Paleolithic tools, skull, and jaw fragments. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the man behind Sherlock Holmes. His possible involvement pointed out to the reasons that he lived near the Piltdown discovery site and had plenty of access to the fossils. In addition, majority of his works of fiction include familiarity with archeology and paleontology. His motive includes obsession to spiritualism and resentment towards scientists who mocked spiritualism. Aside from being the first person to discover the Piltdown man, Dawson’s involvement to the hoax was closely rooted to his personality. Dawson was ambitious and desperate to have a place in the scientific elite in the Royal Society. He has records of frauds in the field of archeology and his writings showed plagiarized content. Woodward has been considered a
Monday, January 27, 2020
Market Segmentation Of Jeans Brand
Market Segmentation Of Jeans Brand The report developed here is a business report that can be used effectively by a company and its management to make their future business decisions. The purpose of this business report is to do market segmentation for a specific brand product that is jeans. This report entails all essential aspects of market segmentation and its process that can be used by a company to identify its potential group of consumers. This report and its results will render a company and its management with specific recommendations for targeting their selected market segment. This business report is an all-inclusive report and can be used effectively by a company to determine its market segmentation approach. The brand product selected for discussion in this report is jeans that can be marketed with core brand attributes like honest, contemporary, fashion, approachable, comfortable, universal, style and independent. The market segmentation of selected brand product is done with the help of different section in which first section includes introduction and information background that involves brand information and industry trends. The next section is about market segmentation and use of different segmentation bases for identifying potential group of consumers. As well, a segmentation table is also used. The next section involves positioning strategy for targeting new jeans brand. Next section involves internal and external influences on primary target market purchasing decision that is man and women. In the end, recommendation related to selection of attribute based positioning, differentiation strategy, persuasive advertising, appropriate channel of communications and selection of distinctive media channels is given so that identify target market audience can be targeted easily and effectively. The report entails all significant information about market segmentation of selected product brand jeans with vital recommendations. Introduction and Background Information The specific brand product selected for market segmentation is jeans that belong to denim jeans industry. The denim jeans industry is the most fragmented out of the total apparel industry. Previously, the premium denim brands were only served for mens and womens but now it has extended to kids racks that shows its demand. The most significant trend in the industry is of colored jeans. In present scenario jeans have become a necessity and every age group people like to wear it. By age factor, sales of jeans have increased substantially in the age groups of 13-17 and 25-34 (Recent Industry Trends and the Competitive Scenario of the US Denim Jeans Market, 2008). By volume, the male jeans shipment market in U.S. has grown significantly in comparison to the womens jeans shipments. Although in last some years, the apparel industry has been critically affected by the global economic downturn but the denim jeans industrys position is comparatively much better. The denim jeans industry is continuing to hold a beneficial position in comparison to other apparel categories and it is due to the longer life span of jeans in comparison to other apparel items. The market downturn situation is handled by jeans manufacturers by reducing their prices as now consumers are more price-conscious. In spite of downturn, the industry is highly competitive as several new brands are entering the market from last few years. Most of the new brands are focussed on premium denim. According to market researchers, it is believed that by 2014 the global Jeanswear market will rise by US$4.6 billion that evidences the potential of jeans industry (Future of the Global Jeans Industry, 2007). The core brand attributes of jeans are honest, contemporary, fashion, approachable, comfortable, universal, style and independent. On the basis of these attributes the selected brand jeans can be marketed easily in a way through which consumer feels that they are getting full value for their money (Recent Industry Trends and the Competitive Scenario of the US Denim Jeans Market, 2008). By marketing jeans on the attributes like independent and comfortable, the company can easily attract more female customers as in present they prefer to be independent. The industry is doing good from last several years and in future it is also about to extend significantly due to the positive trends towards denim from all age groups. In coming future, the industry may be affected by diverse social and environmental factors but it will not be affected too much by political factors (Future of the Global Jeans Industry, 2007). Nowadays political situation of most of the countries are quite stable and this will not make any substantial affect on jeans industry as it belongs to apparel industry that is highly affected by social and environmental factors. In future, the industry may grow due to increasing social preferences of different consumers towards wearing denim. The company if marketed effectively can attain a significant position in the industry and in the minds of its target customers. More and more new brands are entering and attaining significant place that can also be done by the company with specific and well-planned approach. By considering all these trends and a descriptive methodology, the selected product can be marketed effectively with well-planned market segmentation. Market Segmentation From last several years number of trends had keep coming and going but the denim trends are evergreen and perpetually remain in the fashion industry. Although there emerged numerous fashion brands in the apparel industry but the all time favourite brand is denim. The craze of wearing denim jeans is increasing day by day in all age groups and it is all due to the its distinctive attributes. The increasing craze of wearing denims is quite helpful for the company in segmenting its target market. With the help of appropriate segmentation bases the company can easily identify its potential group of consumers or market segments (Kotler, 2002). The ever increasing craze of wearing denim among people evidence that different types of consumers can be made interested in new jeans brand. Consumers from almost all age groups like to wear jeans whether they are males or females. In present consumers like wearing denim from different kinds of purposes like fun, adventure, casual formal approach etc. Every consumer find for different benefit at the time of purchasing jeans. By considering their needs and the benefits they are looking for market can be segmented easily. The most widely used approach of segmentation is geographic, psychographic and demographic segmentation. In addition to this, another significant approach that can be used to identify potential market segments is by looking at behavioural considerations like consumer responses to benefits, use occasions or brands. Afterwards a marketer can associate his product characteristics with consumers each response. By making use of these segmentation bases, it will become easy for the company to identify its potential market segments of its new jeans brand (Lancaster Raynolds, 2005). Among all the above discussed segmentation bases the most significant segmentation bases that can be used by the company to identify its potential market segments are as follows: Demographic Segmentation: For identifying potential market segments the market will be divided among segments on the basis of age, gender and income. With age factor different age groups will be determined that like to wear jeans mostly. In modern era, teens, youngsters and aged all like to wear denim that can be easily targeted by identifying a group. Another significant base is gender and income as new jeans brand can be targeted to males and females and all income groups like low, middle and high class with making variations in brand offering. The selection of demographic segmentation is quite appropriate to identify potential groups of consumers because demographic variables are often associated with consumer needs and wants. Consumer wants and abilities change with age and thus age and life cycle stages are significant variables to identify segments (Baker Hart, 2007). Men and women have different attitudes and they behave differently on the basis of their genetic makeup and socialization. Their shopping behaviour is different and by considering this it will become easy to target new jeans brand. The last basis of segmentation, income group is also quite substantial and is been in use from last several years. Every group of consumers have specific income and buying power and they prefer to buy things accordingly (Proctor, 2000) Behavioural Segmentation: Benefit Sought: Another important basis that can be used to segment market is behavioural segmentation in which potential group of consumers can be identified on the basis of benefits consumers are looking from a jeans brand (Kotler, 2002). The company can target consumers on the basis of benefits like fashion, approachable, comfortable, style and independent. Benefit sought segmentation is a significant approach as it will assist in identifying market opportunities and for determining the value propositions that can be offered to different group of consumers (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). Usage Rate: The next important basis of segmentation is usage rate as every group of consumers have different usage rates. The company can segments its markets into light, medium and heavy product users (Baker Hart, 2007). Like in denim industry heavy product users are youngsters whereas medium and lights users are teens and aged people. By providing special schemes and offers to heavy users of jeans, the company can earn a high profit. For identifying existing profit opportunities usage rate is the most suitable bases of segmentation that can be used by the company (Peter Donnelly, 2002). Potential Group of Market Segments: With the above discussed segmentation bases, the four potential groups of market segments that can be targeted by the company with its new jeans brand are as follows: Teens Consumers ages 12-17: One of the potential market segments that can be targeted are teens as the shopping trends of these group is increasing as never before. This group likes to wear casuals and love to wear ruff tuff jeans that are a symbol of fashionable and style. This group can be easily attracted towards new brand of jeans (Rusty, 2005). Men Women: Another potential market segment that can be targeted is all men and women as in modern era both are highly independent and live with equal approach towards life. In present both the men and women like to wear jeans as they feel it is comfortable and approachable. Both of men and women prefer jeans due to different benefits. High end consumers: The Company can also target its jeans to high end consumers who belong to high class as they prefer to wear premium brands of jeans. With high brand equity and recognition, this group of consumers can be targeted easily. Old age consumers: The next substantial group of customers that can be targeted is old age consumers as nowadays these people also like to wear trendy cloths and be a part of different advanced social circles. By offering light weight jeans, the company can easily target this potential group of customers. Segmentation Table (Jeans) Primary Target Audience: All Men Women One of the substantial primary target markets that can be used by the company is all men and women as nowadays every competitor is offering jeans for all age groups for men as well as for women. The companys brand is new so it also needs to offer basic product to everyone so that it can attain a significant market position and then can target specific market segments. By offering jeans for all men and women will give recognition to company brand that in turn can be targeted to specific market segments for generating high profits. Positioning Strategy The company can position its new jeans brand on the basis of its key attributes of comfortable and stylish wear. By offering jeans on these attributes will assist the company in creating differentiation among its own jeans brand and brand offered by its competitors like Acne Jeans, Diesel, Wrangler and Lee. By positioning on these two attributes will assist the company in attracting its target segments that usually prefer to buy jeans on the basis of these two benefits. By making use of these two attributes will assist the company in positioning its different image in the minds of men and women (Weitz Wensley, 2002). The benefits of attributes based positioning strategy can also be understood with the help of perceptual map that is as follows: Comfortable High New Jeans Brand Lee Diesel Acne Jeans WranglerStylish Wrangler Low High Low The new jeans brand positioning strategy attributes comfortable and stylish will enable us in preparing the attribute based perceptual map. In this perceptual map, it can be observed that the consumers will rate it high on both the defined dimensions in comparison to its other competitive brands (Pride Ferrell, 2004). The attribute-based perceptual map of new jeans brand evidences that it can attain a significant image in the minds of its potential consumers if offered with all essential features and aspects. Analysis of the Internal and External Characteristics of Target Audience Every company markets to different market segments and different group of consumers have different internal and external stimuli that affect their purchase decisions. Every purchase decision of consumers is highly influenced by diverse internal and external characteristics and similar is the situation with selected primary target market of men and women (Kim, Forsythe, Gu Moon, 2002). The selected primary target markets decision to purchase jeans is influenced by numerous internal and external factors that are as follows: Internal Influences An internal influence that may affect identified primary target audience is also known as personal influences. It pertains to the consumers ability to advantage directly from the product or service is going to purchase. These influences include motivation, learning and perception (Solomon, 2009). The identified primary target audience purchase decision of jeans is also affected by all these internal influences. The consumers motivation to purchase jeans is an internal factor, and it may depend on his desire to attain goals associated to other internal and external factors. Like a female may want to purchase jeans for becoming a fashion symbol or more independent through her clothing style. She may need it from her collage wearing purpose or party purpose (Kim, Forsythe, Gu Moon, 2002). On the other hand man may need to purchase it for comfort or becoming trendier. Teens may want to purchase it for becoming approachable and stylish. Every consumers purchase motivations are different that need to be identified before targeting selected primary audience (Ross, 2005). In this way, it can be said that consumer motivation plays a substantial role at the time of making a purchase decision. Every purchase of an individual is influenced by some motivation and nowadays all age groups males and females that buy jeans buy it with unique motive and need (Anderson Vincze, 2006). Another substantial internal characteristic that may influence primary target audience purchasing decision is their perception that appropriates them to rationalize their buying decision on the basis of the perceived outcomes. Like men can buy it by thinking about its use with their idol personality or some well known celebrity. When consumers believe that their role models or idol persons are showing it and making use of it they also prefer to buy those jeans so that they can also reflect similar kind of personality. This evidences that consumer personality also make a substantial affect on his purchasing decisions (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). As well, when consumers learn from others that they used something and found it quite good they also try to purchase that product (Loudon, 2001). The identified primary target market audience may learn about new jeans and is benefits from their friends, family members or colleagues and their social circles. This in turn will also encourage them to buy jeans. In this way, it can be said that the most significant internal characteristics that may influence identified primary target audience is motivation, perception and learning. External Influences: In addition to internal influences, other characteristics that may influence consumers purchase decisions are external influences that include social norms, family roles and cultural values. All these aspects make up external or social factors. All these external factors affecting consumers buying decisions are highly influenced by industry trends and environment (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). The identified primary target markets decision to purchase new brand jeans may also influenced by several external factors in which one significant factors that may influence is social norms. It refers to brand name, company recognitions, new trends in design and fashion etc. If company has well established brand name it may easily influence primary target market audience purchase decisions. Trends to wear jeans in fashion industry is increasing that may also influence target market audience to buy new jeans brand in comparison to available brands. As well, cultural values are another substantial factor that may influence target market audience purchasing decision. Advertising campaigns that boast American-made or trendy stylish products are quite common that are used to attract American consumers (Kotler, 2002). If company also make use of effective advertising that evidenced identified target audience cultural values, it can positively influence their jeans purchasing decisions. The increasing use of advertising for appealing consumers shows that it is most substantial factor that can be used to inspire companys target audience purchasing decisions. In concern to advertising another external factor that can be used to influence consumers purchasing decision is the demonstration of cultural values in the ownership of the product that can be done with the help of message framing (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). By framing a message that includes all aspects of product and its association with its use may effectively influence target audience purchasing decisions. A well-designed message may resolve all queries of consumers regarding their purchase decisions. It should include all benefits a new jeans brand will offer, its price in comparison to other brands and its core brand values. By delivering all these aspects in message, the primary target market audience purchase decision can be influenced significantly (Wang Siu Hui, 2004). Advertising and message framing are most substantial external factors that need to be managed significantly for positively affecting purchase decisions of identified primary target market audience. Recommendations With the help of above discussion and analysis of industry trends, it can be said that for targeting identified audience, it is essential that the company make use of diverse strategies and approaches. For successful targeting, it is essential that the company understand its potential market segment needs and factors that influence them substantially. In addition to this for successful approach to primary target market, the company need to adopt following recommendations: Attribute based Positioning: The company need to position its new jeans brand on the basis of its specific attributes and core brand values. With this only it will become easy for the company to appeal its target market audience in comparison to existing brands of jeans. With the help of attribute based positioning, the company can easily deliver all its benefits to its primary target audience (Kotler, 2002). Positioning through Differentiation Strategy: The Company should position its new jeans brand with the help of differentiation strategy. The most suitable differentiation strategy that can be used is image differentiation that can be done by involving some well-known celebrity or idol personality. This strategy will appeal primary target market consumers by influencing their own personality. Persuasive Advertising: In concern to attracting primary target market audience, it is essential that the company make use of right advertising appeal that should be persuasive advertising. With the help of this advertising appeal, the company can easily create liking, preference, conviction and purchase of its new jeans brand among its identified primary target market (Groucutt, Leadley Forsyth, 2004). Selection of Communication Channels: The next substantial strategy that the management of the company should adopt is related to the selection of appropriate communication channels. In communicating with its selected primary target market it is essential that the company make use of both the personal and non personal communication channels (Fiore, Lee Kunz, 2004). In this way, only it will become able in doing successful communication. Use of Advanced Media channels with Social Media: The company should communicate its brand and its core values to its target market with the help of advanced media channels like print media (newspapers magazines), broadcast media (radio and television), electronic media (web page), network media (telephone and wireless) and display media (signs and posters) (Kelley Jugenheimer, 2008). In addition to this, the company should also communicate its brand and its benefits with the help of social media tools as it is quite popular in present among youngsters and teen agers. By adopting all these, the company easily position its new jeans brand in the year 2011 that will have different significant changes in industry trends and consumers preferences.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Blacks Attempt To Achieve Equality :: United States History Historical Essays
Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality The second amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right of American citizens â€Å"to bear arms shall not be infringed†by the United States government (2nd Amendment). Robert Williams understood how significant this right was to the protection of Black lives which were targets of racism and violence. He advocated the use of violence as a means of self defense and organized local blacks into a â€Å"rifle club with a charter from the National Rifle Association†(60). Skip Curtiss defends this position saying, â€Å"any steps that (Williams) had to take in order to prevent his family and his people from being slaughtered like cattle were completely within his rights†(Curtiss). This is certainly true regarding Williams right to own guns, as explained above, but below the surface of Curtiss’ statement, lie many questions regarding the results the threat of violence has produced. Retaliating against racism with violence actually produces effects whi ch are detrimental to the integrationist movement. Whites felt threatened by Williams militaristic statements, which caused them to hold onto their power with a increasingly tighter grip. Non violence has moral superiority to, is more logically sound than and has produced much more favorable results than armed self defense, and is thus a much better method in the struggle to achieve equality. The most famous advocate of non violence was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In his essay â€Å"A Letter From a Birmingham Jail†he articulates the position of non violence. Justified is King in his civil disobedience because certain laws treat people unequally, and are therefore immoral. He demonstrates out of protest of these laws, but knows that by breaking laws he must accept certain penalties. King feels that resorting to violence only equates the abused with the abuser. Thus in the fight for a morally just cause, Blacks must not resort to immoral tactics else they becomes victims of hypocrisy. The major problem with armed resistance to protect Black’s lives is that it is does not have a means to produce the ends, which is equality. Williams Asserts that â€Å"the basic ill is an economic ill, (Blacks are) denied the right to have a decent standard of living†(40). No one can logically disagree with this, but threatening to use violence is not a solution. As Williams found out, his position actually made matters worse. Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality :: United States History Historical Essays Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality The second amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right of American citizens â€Å"to bear arms shall not be infringed†by the United States government (2nd Amendment). Robert Williams understood how significant this right was to the protection of Black lives which were targets of racism and violence. He advocated the use of violence as a means of self defense and organized local blacks into a â€Å"rifle club with a charter from the National Rifle Association†(60). Skip Curtiss defends this position saying, â€Å"any steps that (Williams) had to take in order to prevent his family and his people from being slaughtered like cattle were completely within his rights†(Curtiss). This is certainly true regarding Williams right to own guns, as explained above, but below the surface of Curtiss’ statement, lie many questions regarding the results the threat of violence has produced. Retaliating against racism with violence actually produces effects whi ch are detrimental to the integrationist movement. Whites felt threatened by Williams militaristic statements, which caused them to hold onto their power with a increasingly tighter grip. Non violence has moral superiority to, is more logically sound than and has produced much more favorable results than armed self defense, and is thus a much better method in the struggle to achieve equality. The most famous advocate of non violence was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In his essay â€Å"A Letter From a Birmingham Jail†he articulates the position of non violence. Justified is King in his civil disobedience because certain laws treat people unequally, and are therefore immoral. He demonstrates out of protest of these laws, but knows that by breaking laws he must accept certain penalties. King feels that resorting to violence only equates the abused with the abuser. Thus in the fight for a morally just cause, Blacks must not resort to immoral tactics else they becomes victims of hypocrisy. The major problem with armed resistance to protect Black’s lives is that it is does not have a means to produce the ends, which is equality. Williams Asserts that â€Å"the basic ill is an economic ill, (Blacks are) denied the right to have a decent standard of living†(40). No one can logically disagree with this, but threatening to use violence is not a solution. As Williams found out, his position actually made matters worse.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Defining Beauty Essay
The word â€Å"beauty†can mean an unlimited amount of things to so many people. Some people see beauty as a woman with a small figure, with her hair and makeup done like that of a model in a magazine. Others may see beauty as more of an internal asset, such as a woman giving more to this world than she knows she’ll ever get back. Still, many others may see beauty as something that is unattainable because the definition of it is so ironically undefined and ambiguous, that it may even be seen as non-existent. Beauty is extremely versatile and its definition is often debated because beauty has unlimited definitions. No one’s definition of beauty is wrong. However, it does exist and can be seen with the eyes and felt with the heart. The first and most commonly referred to definition of beauty is external beauty, or superficial beauty. â€Å"Beauty is only skin-deep†, as some people may say. The general public typically views beauty as something that often must be seen to be believed; a girl is not pretty unless she can prove it with appearance. â€Å"In the perpetual â€Å"body image debate†on Xanga and in the world, there are frequently posts that say, basically: â€Å"All sizes can be beautiful! It’s what’s inside that counts anyways!†Multiple commenters will agree with them, and everyone descends into gooey e-group-hugs. What they’re trying to do†¦ is nice. I won’t argue with â€Å"all sizes can be beautiful†– I have my preferences and you have yours, and ideally we won’t bash one group or the other despite those preferences. I also won’t argue with â€Å"what’s inside counts,†because it’s obvious that one’s personality directly affects the way one is able to bond with people over time. But, to those who try to proclaim â€Å"looks don’t matter,†I say: Bullshit.†(Walker 2010). Whether this mentality is seen as ethically wrong or not, it IS a mentality and it IS acknowledged. If a person believes beauty is solely defined by physical appearance, then that is their individual opinion, and cannot be taken away from them, or marked as â€Å"wrong†. The second form of beauty, most naturally comes to mind as what’s known as â€Å"internal beauty†. You’ll most often hear things like â€Å"It’s what on the inside that matters!†â€Å"Happy girls are the prettiest!†and the infamous â€Å"You have a great personality and that’s what matters!†Internal beauty IS what’s on the inside, obviously. Internal beauty is personality, charisma, lovingness, generosity; all the characteristics that typically make a person â€Å"beautiful†on the inside. â€Å"As I grew up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone good. I remember a friend of mine who was so beautiful that every classmate wanted to talk with her, but she was very arrogant. She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one. My poor friend! But she learned a good lesson: inner beauty is more important than outer beau ty. After she learned that, she changed her attitude and made friends again.†(Ji 2010). Many people still believe that inner beauty is as important as outer beauty, while still some believe it is more important. This mentality is not wrong because it makes sense to the people that believe it. It must be acknowledged whether people think personality is more important than makeup, or not. And still, some people believe and feel that beauty can only be defined by the person who feels it. In other words, my internal and external beauty is examined and defined by the rest of the world, without me having anything to say about it. This particular definition says that that individual person, in this example being me; that I get to say whether I’m beautiful or not based off of how I feel, not the rest of the world, based off of one or both of the previous definitions. It is simply, what you define yourself as. â€Å"I know I looked beautiful that morning. Perhaps not to the young man holding his toddler in his arms who rode the elevator with me; perhaps not to the friend I met for lunch, a true believer in Botox; perhaps not to passersby on the street; but I knew it for a certainty. I was beautiful. I don’t believe that inner beauty is sufficient in this cruel world. That’s the pap one tells a child. I don’t believe that positive thinking improves your skin tone or that loving or being loved changes the shape of your nose or restores the thickness and color of hair, but I do know that there is a way of being beautiful, even as age takes its toll, that has something to do with the spirit filling with joy, something to do with the union with another human being, with the sense of having done well at something enormously important, like making happy a man who has made you happy often enough.†(Roiphe 2012). Beauty cannot be defined as a single thing. It has no bounds; no limits as to say how beautiful something or someone can be, or if it’s beautiful or not. Beauty can’t be erased because it is forever living. No person sees it the exact same way. No one’s definition of it is incorrect because it has many definitions. Beauty exists, and can be felt more and more ways every day of our lives. Works Cited Ji, EunSuk. â€Å"Inner Beauty Is the Real Beauty – TOPICS Online Magazine | ESl/EFL | Sandy and Thomas Peters.†Inner Beauty Is the Real Beauty – TOPICS Online Magazine | ESl/EFL | Sandy and Thomas Peters. N.p., 07 Dec. 2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. . Roiphe, Anne. â€Å"What Makes Me Feel Beautiful.†Real Simple. N.p., 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. . Walker, Alexia. â€Å"Outer Beauty Totally Matters (Don’t Try to Deny It).† N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov 2013. .
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