Monday, January 27, 2020
Market Segmentation Of Jeans Brand
Market Segmentation Of Jeans Brand The report developed here is a business report that can be used effectively by a company and its management to make their future business decisions. The purpose of this business report is to do market segmentation for a specific brand product that is jeans. This report entails all essential aspects of market segmentation and its process that can be used by a company to identify its potential group of consumers. This report and its results will render a company and its management with specific recommendations for targeting their selected market segment. This business report is an all-inclusive report and can be used effectively by a company to determine its market segmentation approach. The brand product selected for discussion in this report is jeans that can be marketed with core brand attributes like honest, contemporary, fashion, approachable, comfortable, universal, style and independent. The market segmentation of selected brand product is done with the help of different section in which first section includes introduction and information background that involves brand information and industry trends. The next section is about market segmentation and use of different segmentation bases for identifying potential group of consumers. As well, a segmentation table is also used. The next section involves positioning strategy for targeting new jeans brand. Next section involves internal and external influences on primary target market purchasing decision that is man and women. In the end, recommendation related to selection of attribute based positioning, differentiation strategy, persuasive advertising, appropriate channel of communications and selection of distinctive media channels is given so that identify target market audience can be targeted easily and effectively. The report entails all significant information about market segmentation of selected product brand jeans with vital recommendations. Introduction and Background Information The specific brand product selected for market segmentation is jeans that belong to denim jeans industry. The denim jeans industry is the most fragmented out of the total apparel industry. Previously, the premium denim brands were only served for mens and womens but now it has extended to kids racks that shows its demand. The most significant trend in the industry is of colored jeans. In present scenario jeans have become a necessity and every age group people like to wear it. By age factor, sales of jeans have increased substantially in the age groups of 13-17 and 25-34 (Recent Industry Trends and the Competitive Scenario of the US Denim Jeans Market, 2008). By volume, the male jeans shipment market in U.S. has grown significantly in comparison to the womens jeans shipments. Although in last some years, the apparel industry has been critically affected by the global economic downturn but the denim jeans industrys position is comparatively much better. The denim jeans industry is continuing to hold a beneficial position in comparison to other apparel categories and it is due to the longer life span of jeans in comparison to other apparel items. The market downturn situation is handled by jeans manufacturers by reducing their prices as now consumers are more price-conscious. In spite of downturn, the industry is highly competitive as several new brands are entering the market from last few years. Most of the new brands are focussed on premium denim. According to market researchers, it is believed that by 2014 the global Jeanswear market will rise by US$4.6 billion that evidences the potential of jeans industry (Future of the Global Jeans Industry, 2007). The core brand attributes of jeans are honest, contemporary, fashion, approachable, comfortable, universal, style and independent. On the basis of these attributes the selected brand jeans can be marketed easily in a way through which consumer feels that they are getting full value for their money (Recent Industry Trends and the Competitive Scenario of the US Denim Jeans Market, 2008). By marketing jeans on the attributes like independent and comfortable, the company can easily attract more female customers as in present they prefer to be independent. The industry is doing good from last several years and in future it is also about to extend significantly due to the positive trends towards denim from all age groups. In coming future, the industry may be affected by diverse social and environmental factors but it will not be affected too much by political factors (Future of the Global Jeans Industry, 2007). Nowadays political situation of most of the countries are quite stable and this will not make any substantial affect on jeans industry as it belongs to apparel industry that is highly affected by social and environmental factors. In future, the industry may grow due to increasing social preferences of different consumers towards wearing denim. The company if marketed effectively can attain a significant position in the industry and in the minds of its target customers. More and more new brands are entering and attaining significant place that can also be done by the company with specific and well-planned approach. By considering all these trends and a descriptive methodology, the selected product can be marketed effectively with well-planned market segmentation. Market Segmentation From last several years number of trends had keep coming and going but the denim trends are evergreen and perpetually remain in the fashion industry. Although there emerged numerous fashion brands in the apparel industry but the all time favourite brand is denim. The craze of wearing denim jeans is increasing day by day in all age groups and it is all due to the its distinctive attributes. The increasing craze of wearing denims is quite helpful for the company in segmenting its target market. With the help of appropriate segmentation bases the company can easily identify its potential group of consumers or market segments (Kotler, 2002). The ever increasing craze of wearing denim among people evidence that different types of consumers can be made interested in new jeans brand. Consumers from almost all age groups like to wear jeans whether they are males or females. In present consumers like wearing denim from different kinds of purposes like fun, adventure, casual formal approach etc. Every consumer find for different benefit at the time of purchasing jeans. By considering their needs and the benefits they are looking for market can be segmented easily. The most widely used approach of segmentation is geographic, psychographic and demographic segmentation. In addition to this, another significant approach that can be used to identify potential market segments is by looking at behavioural considerations like consumer responses to benefits, use occasions or brands. Afterwards a marketer can associate his product characteristics with consumers each response. By making use of these segmentation bases, it will become easy for the company to identify its potential market segments of its new jeans brand (Lancaster Raynolds, 2005). Among all the above discussed segmentation bases the most significant segmentation bases that can be used by the company to identify its potential market segments are as follows: Demographic Segmentation: For identifying potential market segments the market will be divided among segments on the basis of age, gender and income. With age factor different age groups will be determined that like to wear jeans mostly. In modern era, teens, youngsters and aged all like to wear denim that can be easily targeted by identifying a group. Another significant base is gender and income as new jeans brand can be targeted to males and females and all income groups like low, middle and high class with making variations in brand offering. The selection of demographic segmentation is quite appropriate to identify potential groups of consumers because demographic variables are often associated with consumer needs and wants. Consumer wants and abilities change with age and thus age and life cycle stages are significant variables to identify segments (Baker Hart, 2007). Men and women have different attitudes and they behave differently on the basis of their genetic makeup and socialization. Their shopping behaviour is different and by considering this it will become easy to target new jeans brand. The last basis of segmentation, income group is also quite substantial and is been in use from last several years. Every group of consumers have specific income and buying power and they prefer to buy things accordingly (Proctor, 2000) Behavioural Segmentation: Benefit Sought: Another important basis that can be used to segment market is behavioural segmentation in which potential group of consumers can be identified on the basis of benefits consumers are looking from a jeans brand (Kotler, 2002). The company can target consumers on the basis of benefits like fashion, approachable, comfortable, style and independent. Benefit sought segmentation is a significant approach as it will assist in identifying market opportunities and for determining the value propositions that can be offered to different group of consumers (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). Usage Rate: The next important basis of segmentation is usage rate as every group of consumers have different usage rates. The company can segments its markets into light, medium and heavy product users (Baker Hart, 2007). Like in denim industry heavy product users are youngsters whereas medium and lights users are teens and aged people. By providing special schemes and offers to heavy users of jeans, the company can earn a high profit. For identifying existing profit opportunities usage rate is the most suitable bases of segmentation that can be used by the company (Peter Donnelly, 2002). Potential Group of Market Segments: With the above discussed segmentation bases, the four potential groups of market segments that can be targeted by the company with its new jeans brand are as follows: Teens Consumers ages 12-17: One of the potential market segments that can be targeted are teens as the shopping trends of these group is increasing as never before. This group likes to wear casuals and love to wear ruff tuff jeans that are a symbol of fashionable and style. This group can be easily attracted towards new brand of jeans (Rusty, 2005). Men Women: Another potential market segment that can be targeted is all men and women as in modern era both are highly independent and live with equal approach towards life. In present both the men and women like to wear jeans as they feel it is comfortable and approachable. Both of men and women prefer jeans due to different benefits. High end consumers: The Company can also target its jeans to high end consumers who belong to high class as they prefer to wear premium brands of jeans. With high brand equity and recognition, this group of consumers can be targeted easily. Old age consumers: The next substantial group of customers that can be targeted is old age consumers as nowadays these people also like to wear trendy cloths and be a part of different advanced social circles. By offering light weight jeans, the company can easily target this potential group of customers. Segmentation Table (Jeans) Primary Target Audience: All Men Women One of the substantial primary target markets that can be used by the company is all men and women as nowadays every competitor is offering jeans for all age groups for men as well as for women. The companys brand is new so it also needs to offer basic product to everyone so that it can attain a significant market position and then can target specific market segments. By offering jeans for all men and women will give recognition to company brand that in turn can be targeted to specific market segments for generating high profits. Positioning Strategy The company can position its new jeans brand on the basis of its key attributes of comfortable and stylish wear. By offering jeans on these attributes will assist the company in creating differentiation among its own jeans brand and brand offered by its competitors like Acne Jeans, Diesel, Wrangler and Lee. By positioning on these two attributes will assist the company in attracting its target segments that usually prefer to buy jeans on the basis of these two benefits. By making use of these two attributes will assist the company in positioning its different image in the minds of men and women (Weitz Wensley, 2002). The benefits of attributes based positioning strategy can also be understood with the help of perceptual map that is as follows: Comfortable High New Jeans Brand Lee Diesel Acne Jeans WranglerStylish Wrangler Low High Low The new jeans brand positioning strategy attributes comfortable and stylish will enable us in preparing the attribute based perceptual map. In this perceptual map, it can be observed that the consumers will rate it high on both the defined dimensions in comparison to its other competitive brands (Pride Ferrell, 2004). The attribute-based perceptual map of new jeans brand evidences that it can attain a significant image in the minds of its potential consumers if offered with all essential features and aspects. Analysis of the Internal and External Characteristics of Target Audience Every company markets to different market segments and different group of consumers have different internal and external stimuli that affect their purchase decisions. Every purchase decision of consumers is highly influenced by diverse internal and external characteristics and similar is the situation with selected primary target market of men and women (Kim, Forsythe, Gu Moon, 2002). The selected primary target markets decision to purchase jeans is influenced by numerous internal and external factors that are as follows: Internal Influences An internal influence that may affect identified primary target audience is also known as personal influences. It pertains to the consumers ability to advantage directly from the product or service is going to purchase. These influences include motivation, learning and perception (Solomon, 2009). The identified primary target audience purchase decision of jeans is also affected by all these internal influences. The consumers motivation to purchase jeans is an internal factor, and it may depend on his desire to attain goals associated to other internal and external factors. Like a female may want to purchase jeans for becoming a fashion symbol or more independent through her clothing style. She may need it from her collage wearing purpose or party purpose (Kim, Forsythe, Gu Moon, 2002). On the other hand man may need to purchase it for comfort or becoming trendier. Teens may want to purchase it for becoming approachable and stylish. Every consumers purchase motivations are different that need to be identified before targeting selected primary audience (Ross, 2005). In this way, it can be said that consumer motivation plays a substantial role at the time of making a purchase decision. Every purchase of an individual is influenced by some motivation and nowadays all age groups males and females that buy jeans buy it with unique motive and need (Anderson Vincze, 2006). Another substantial internal characteristic that may influence primary target audience purchasing decision is their perception that appropriates them to rationalize their buying decision on the basis of the perceived outcomes. Like men can buy it by thinking about its use with their idol personality or some well known celebrity. When consumers believe that their role models or idol persons are showing it and making use of it they also prefer to buy those jeans so that they can also reflect similar kind of personality. This evidences that consumer personality also make a substantial affect on his purchasing decisions (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). As well, when consumers learn from others that they used something and found it quite good they also try to purchase that product (Loudon, 2001). The identified primary target market audience may learn about new jeans and is benefits from their friends, family members or colleagues and their social circles. This in turn will also encourage them to buy jeans. In this way, it can be said that the most significant internal characteristics that may influence identified primary target audience is motivation, perception and learning. External Influences: In addition to internal influences, other characteristics that may influence consumers purchase decisions are external influences that include social norms, family roles and cultural values. All these aspects make up external or social factors. All these external factors affecting consumers buying decisions are highly influenced by industry trends and environment (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). The identified primary target markets decision to purchase new brand jeans may also influenced by several external factors in which one significant factors that may influence is social norms. It refers to brand name, company recognitions, new trends in design and fashion etc. If company has well established brand name it may easily influence primary target market audience purchase decisions. Trends to wear jeans in fashion industry is increasing that may also influence target market audience to buy new jeans brand in comparison to available brands. As well, cultural values are another substantial factor that may influence target market audience purchasing decision. Advertising campaigns that boast American-made or trendy stylish products are quite common that are used to attract American consumers (Kotler, 2002). If company also make use of effective advertising that evidenced identified target audience cultural values, it can positively influence their jeans purchasing decisions. The increasing use of advertising for appealing consumers shows that it is most substantial factor that can be used to inspire companys target audience purchasing decisions. In concern to advertising another external factor that can be used to influence consumers purchasing decision is the demonstration of cultural values in the ownership of the product that can be done with the help of message framing (Kurtz, MacKenzie Snow, 2009). By framing a message that includes all aspects of product and its association with its use may effectively influence target audience purchasing decisions. A well-designed message may resolve all queries of consumers regarding their purchase decisions. It should include all benefits a new jeans brand will offer, its price in comparison to other brands and its core brand values. By delivering all these aspects in message, the primary target market audience purchase decision can be influenced significantly (Wang Siu Hui, 2004). Advertising and message framing are most substantial external factors that need to be managed significantly for positively affecting purchase decisions of identified primary target market audience. Recommendations With the help of above discussion and analysis of industry trends, it can be said that for targeting identified audience, it is essential that the company make use of diverse strategies and approaches. For successful targeting, it is essential that the company understand its potential market segment needs and factors that influence them substantially. In addition to this for successful approach to primary target market, the company need to adopt following recommendations: Attribute based Positioning: The company need to position its new jeans brand on the basis of its specific attributes and core brand values. With this only it will become easy for the company to appeal its target market audience in comparison to existing brands of jeans. With the help of attribute based positioning, the company can easily deliver all its benefits to its primary target audience (Kotler, 2002). Positioning through Differentiation Strategy: The Company should position its new jeans brand with the help of differentiation strategy. The most suitable differentiation strategy that can be used is image differentiation that can be done by involving some well-known celebrity or idol personality. This strategy will appeal primary target market consumers by influencing their own personality. Persuasive Advertising: In concern to attracting primary target market audience, it is essential that the company make use of right advertising appeal that should be persuasive advertising. With the help of this advertising appeal, the company can easily create liking, preference, conviction and purchase of its new jeans brand among its identified primary target market (Groucutt, Leadley Forsyth, 2004). Selection of Communication Channels: The next substantial strategy that the management of the company should adopt is related to the selection of appropriate communication channels. In communicating with its selected primary target market it is essential that the company make use of both the personal and non personal communication channels (Fiore, Lee Kunz, 2004). In this way, only it will become able in doing successful communication. Use of Advanced Media channels with Social Media: The company should communicate its brand and its core values to its target market with the help of advanced media channels like print media (newspapers magazines), broadcast media (radio and television), electronic media (web page), network media (telephone and wireless) and display media (signs and posters) (Kelley Jugenheimer, 2008). In addition to this, the company should also communicate its brand and its benefits with the help of social media tools as it is quite popular in present among youngsters and teen agers. By adopting all these, the company easily position its new jeans brand in the year 2011 that will have different significant changes in industry trends and consumers preferences.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Blacks Attempt To Achieve Equality :: United States History Historical Essays
Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality The second amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right of American citizens â€Å"to bear arms shall not be infringed†by the United States government (2nd Amendment). Robert Williams understood how significant this right was to the protection of Black lives which were targets of racism and violence. He advocated the use of violence as a means of self defense and organized local blacks into a â€Å"rifle club with a charter from the National Rifle Association†(60). Skip Curtiss defends this position saying, â€Å"any steps that (Williams) had to take in order to prevent his family and his people from being slaughtered like cattle were completely within his rights†(Curtiss). This is certainly true regarding Williams right to own guns, as explained above, but below the surface of Curtiss’ statement, lie many questions regarding the results the threat of violence has produced. Retaliating against racism with violence actually produces effects whi ch are detrimental to the integrationist movement. Whites felt threatened by Williams militaristic statements, which caused them to hold onto their power with a increasingly tighter grip. Non violence has moral superiority to, is more logically sound than and has produced much more favorable results than armed self defense, and is thus a much better method in the struggle to achieve equality. The most famous advocate of non violence was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In his essay â€Å"A Letter From a Birmingham Jail†he articulates the position of non violence. Justified is King in his civil disobedience because certain laws treat people unequally, and are therefore immoral. He demonstrates out of protest of these laws, but knows that by breaking laws he must accept certain penalties. King feels that resorting to violence only equates the abused with the abuser. Thus in the fight for a morally just cause, Blacks must not resort to immoral tactics else they becomes victims of hypocrisy. The major problem with armed resistance to protect Black’s lives is that it is does not have a means to produce the ends, which is equality. Williams Asserts that â€Å"the basic ill is an economic ill, (Blacks are) denied the right to have a decent standard of living†(40). No one can logically disagree with this, but threatening to use violence is not a solution. As Williams found out, his position actually made matters worse. Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality :: United States History Historical Essays Blacks' Attempt To Achieve Equality The second amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right of American citizens â€Å"to bear arms shall not be infringed†by the United States government (2nd Amendment). Robert Williams understood how significant this right was to the protection of Black lives which were targets of racism and violence. He advocated the use of violence as a means of self defense and organized local blacks into a â€Å"rifle club with a charter from the National Rifle Association†(60). Skip Curtiss defends this position saying, â€Å"any steps that (Williams) had to take in order to prevent his family and his people from being slaughtered like cattle were completely within his rights†(Curtiss). This is certainly true regarding Williams right to own guns, as explained above, but below the surface of Curtiss’ statement, lie many questions regarding the results the threat of violence has produced. Retaliating against racism with violence actually produces effects whi ch are detrimental to the integrationist movement. Whites felt threatened by Williams militaristic statements, which caused them to hold onto their power with a increasingly tighter grip. Non violence has moral superiority to, is more logically sound than and has produced much more favorable results than armed self defense, and is thus a much better method in the struggle to achieve equality. The most famous advocate of non violence was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In his essay â€Å"A Letter From a Birmingham Jail†he articulates the position of non violence. Justified is King in his civil disobedience because certain laws treat people unequally, and are therefore immoral. He demonstrates out of protest of these laws, but knows that by breaking laws he must accept certain penalties. King feels that resorting to violence only equates the abused with the abuser. Thus in the fight for a morally just cause, Blacks must not resort to immoral tactics else they becomes victims of hypocrisy. The major problem with armed resistance to protect Black’s lives is that it is does not have a means to produce the ends, which is equality. Williams Asserts that â€Å"the basic ill is an economic ill, (Blacks are) denied the right to have a decent standard of living†(40). No one can logically disagree with this, but threatening to use violence is not a solution. As Williams found out, his position actually made matters worse.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Defining Beauty Essay
The word â€Å"beauty†can mean an unlimited amount of things to so many people. Some people see beauty as a woman with a small figure, with her hair and makeup done like that of a model in a magazine. Others may see beauty as more of an internal asset, such as a woman giving more to this world than she knows she’ll ever get back. Still, many others may see beauty as something that is unattainable because the definition of it is so ironically undefined and ambiguous, that it may even be seen as non-existent. Beauty is extremely versatile and its definition is often debated because beauty has unlimited definitions. No one’s definition of beauty is wrong. However, it does exist and can be seen with the eyes and felt with the heart. The first and most commonly referred to definition of beauty is external beauty, or superficial beauty. â€Å"Beauty is only skin-deep†, as some people may say. The general public typically views beauty as something that often must be seen to be believed; a girl is not pretty unless she can prove it with appearance. â€Å"In the perpetual â€Å"body image debate†on Xanga and in the world, there are frequently posts that say, basically: â€Å"All sizes can be beautiful! It’s what’s inside that counts anyways!†Multiple commenters will agree with them, and everyone descends into gooey e-group-hugs. What they’re trying to do†¦ is nice. I won’t argue with â€Å"all sizes can be beautiful†– I have my preferences and you have yours, and ideally we won’t bash one group or the other despite those preferences. I also won’t argue with â€Å"what’s inside counts,†because it’s obvious that one’s personality directly affects the way one is able to bond with people over time. But, to those who try to proclaim â€Å"looks don’t matter,†I say: Bullshit.†(Walker 2010). Whether this mentality is seen as ethically wrong or not, it IS a mentality and it IS acknowledged. If a person believes beauty is solely defined by physical appearance, then that is their individual opinion, and cannot be taken away from them, or marked as â€Å"wrong†. The second form of beauty, most naturally comes to mind as what’s known as â€Å"internal beauty†. You’ll most often hear things like â€Å"It’s what on the inside that matters!†â€Å"Happy girls are the prettiest!†and the infamous â€Å"You have a great personality and that’s what matters!†Internal beauty IS what’s on the inside, obviously. Internal beauty is personality, charisma, lovingness, generosity; all the characteristics that typically make a person â€Å"beautiful†on the inside. â€Å"As I grew up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone good. I remember a friend of mine who was so beautiful that every classmate wanted to talk with her, but she was very arrogant. She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one. My poor friend! But she learned a good lesson: inner beauty is more important than outer beau ty. After she learned that, she changed her attitude and made friends again.†(Ji 2010). Many people still believe that inner beauty is as important as outer beauty, while still some believe it is more important. This mentality is not wrong because it makes sense to the people that believe it. It must be acknowledged whether people think personality is more important than makeup, or not. And still, some people believe and feel that beauty can only be defined by the person who feels it. In other words, my internal and external beauty is examined and defined by the rest of the world, without me having anything to say about it. This particular definition says that that individual person, in this example being me; that I get to say whether I’m beautiful or not based off of how I feel, not the rest of the world, based off of one or both of the previous definitions. It is simply, what you define yourself as. â€Å"I know I looked beautiful that morning. Perhaps not to the young man holding his toddler in his arms who rode the elevator with me; perhaps not to the friend I met for lunch, a true believer in Botox; perhaps not to passersby on the street; but I knew it for a certainty. I was beautiful. I don’t believe that inner beauty is sufficient in this cruel world. That’s the pap one tells a child. I don’t believe that positive thinking improves your skin tone or that loving or being loved changes the shape of your nose or restores the thickness and color of hair, but I do know that there is a way of being beautiful, even as age takes its toll, that has something to do with the spirit filling with joy, something to do with the union with another human being, with the sense of having done well at something enormously important, like making happy a man who has made you happy often enough.†(Roiphe 2012). Beauty cannot be defined as a single thing. It has no bounds; no limits as to say how beautiful something or someone can be, or if it’s beautiful or not. Beauty can’t be erased because it is forever living. No person sees it the exact same way. No one’s definition of it is incorrect because it has many definitions. Beauty exists, and can be felt more and more ways every day of our lives. Works Cited Ji, EunSuk. â€Å"Inner Beauty Is the Real Beauty – TOPICS Online Magazine | ESl/EFL | Sandy and Thomas Peters.†Inner Beauty Is the Real Beauty – TOPICS Online Magazine | ESl/EFL | Sandy and Thomas Peters. N.p., 07 Dec. 2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. . Roiphe, Anne. â€Å"What Makes Me Feel Beautiful.†Real Simple. N.p., 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. . Walker, Alexia. â€Å"Outer Beauty Totally Matters (Don’t Try to Deny It).† N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov 2013. .
Friday, January 3, 2020
Sport Recreation Training - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 27 Words: 7954 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Over 150 years ago sports sport and recreation management evolved. Clubs, leagues, and professional tournaments were all started by people credited with the development of sport and recreation management. This type of management mixes the business, management, and marketing aspects of sports into one. There are many colleges that offer some sort of sport and recreation management degree. To find out information about this degree resources can be used such as websites, books, and people in this career. One thing that may be found when researching is that the American Psychological Association is the most common writing style for sport and recreation managers. Writing is one way of communicating to others about sport and recreation management. Verbal skills are also used a lot. From playing baseball with a stick many years ago to hitting with a baseball bat, sports have come a long way. Sport and recreation management is becoming a more popular career the more popular and sophisticated sports get. Do not expect to see this career decline. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sport Recreation Training" essay for you Create order Sport Management and Recreation Management People who share the same understandings and communicate the same way in a professional manner are said to be a professional community. The professional community that offers knowledge about the business aspects of sports is Sport Management. Sport Management is a type of management where people can work in sport related careers dealing with many different levels of sports (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Such levels include professional sports, college sports at the division 1-3 levels, high school sports and youth sports in communities or other programs that are offered. A variety of organizations across the country have a need to hire qualified management personnel who possess a theoretical background in sports. Some of the groups currently employed with sport manager positions are academic institutions, major and minor league professional sports franchises, and sporting good companies (Sport, 2007). Over the past 150 years the organization of sport developed and today still it continues to grow (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). In the early days, sport managers learned from hands-on experiences to work in the sport industry (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Therefore, while the sport industry became more complex, there was a need to train and teach managers in a more formal fashion (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). From this need the study of sport management emerged. At first it seemed as if one only needed to know about sports in general, but now there are many more things to know. Such things include knowledge in business, management, and marketing. Having education in all these fields only pertained to few sport managers in the workplace when this profession came about. Now it is a requirement for a degree. Training on how to use a curriculum began to teach sport management personnel the importance and significance of having a solid curriculum. James G. Mason a physical educator at the University of Miami, Florida and Walter OMalley of the Brooklyn (now Los Angeles) Dodgers discussed this idea in 1957 (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). The first masters program in sport management started at Ohio University in 1966 and it was based on Mason and OMalleys ideas about sport management curriculum (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). A little while after the Ohio University graduate program started up, Biscayne College (now St. Thomas University) and St. Johns University founded undergraduate sport management programs. The second masters program started in 1971 at Massachusetts-Amherst (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). These colleges were the first to start these types of degrees. The number of colleges and universities across the United States that offer sport management majors grew rapidly (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). By the mid 1980s the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) figured there were over 40 undergraduate programs, 32 graduate programs, and 11 at both levels offering management degrees (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Today, there are over 200 sport management programs in colleges across the United States. In Canada there are just over twelve programs that offer sport management degrees (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). The growth of this academic field was prompted by the sport industrys need for well-trained managers, but was also pushed by the universities and colleges need to attract students (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Colleges and universities that wanted to increase their enrollments in a highly competitive market added sport management programs to their curriculum in the 1980s (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). People are majoring in sport management today because of the need in the field. It has become quite the popular major over the past years and the continuing growth has created demand for the organized study of sport management practices. The growth of this academic field drew concerns of qualified workers. To make sure that the right education and knowledge was obtained by managers, two groups were formed to assist in this. The first group was a group of people who examined this issue. They called themselves the Sport Management Arts and Science Society (SMARTS), which was initiated by the faculty at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005.) This group laid down the groundwork for the second organization, known as the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). The purpose of this organization is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, and professional development in the care of sport management (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). The sport management programs that are approved by the NASSM include sport marketing, legal aspects of sport, management and leadership in sport, ethics in sport management, budget and finance in sport, communication in sport, and the socio-cultural context of sport (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Sport management exists in other countries as well. There are other groups worldwide that use the same curriculum and promote the same education as the NASSM and SMARTS organization do (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). It is good that world-wide universities are developing the same things so that graduates can work whereever they desire. It seems as if the program keeps more structured and uniformed every year. Management has a lot of different areas to it, but in sport management there are three areas to include that are most important. The first area is the goals and objectives that need to be achieved, the second area has limited resources, and the third area is to have limited resource with people and through people (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). As a manager for any kind of business whether it is in sport or not, ones main goal is to get employees involved in what needs to be accomplished. This is an important goal because if the employees do whatever they want to when working, the organization is going to decrease and could end up with unachieved goals. Management is a process of using ones knowledge and understanding (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). In using this process one needs to understand the areas of planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating. The development of this theory went through a number of distinct phases; two of these phases were Scientific Management and the Human Relations Movement (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Fredrick Taylor was the first true founder of the management theory (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). He published a book called The Principles of Scientific Management which was the foundation of scientific management in the 1900s (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Working as an industrial engineer Taylor had a big concern on the way that is fellow employees where doing their work (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Taylor thought that the scientific method is the best way to perform better while working on the job (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). In other words the best way for workers to perform better is to reward them with economic rewards. The second phase is human relation. From 1927 to 1932. Elton Mayo was on a team that conducted the Hawthorne studies at Western Electrics Chicago plan (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). He studied how the workers were motivated during work and examined how the changes in the work environment affected output. Mary Parker Follett is also a person who was popular in the writing and work of human relations movement (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Follett was a female consultant in the 1920s; she worked with the male-dominant industrial world (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Follett observed workers as people with attitude, beliefs, and needs (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005, p.20). Follett believed that management was better in a partnership and cooperation and to have people skills in the organization was way more beneficial to the organization (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Human relations are more beneficial in management because it focuses on the behavior of people and human components in the organization rather than focusing on forming a task, like in scientific management. Todays society the study is brought upon human behavior within the organization, which fits into the scientific management and human relations approach. This is what is called Organizational behavior, it characterizes the modern approach to management (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Organizational behavior studies the application of the human side of management and organizations (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Organizations have gone through many changes. Managers have been busy with their organizations because of downsizing, globalizing, installation and usage of information technology. Managers are striving to improve on productivity and competitive challenges that these changes have brought the organization. Through the changes that evolved in these organizations one thing is still clear, the lasting competitive advantage within organizations comes through human resources and how they are managed (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Sport managers perform in many different function areas and work on many activities to fulfill the demands of their jobs. The functional areas that sport managers do are planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating. Planning involves defining organizational goals and determining the appropriate means by which to achieve these desired goals (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). Organizing is all about having your plans and making sure they are put into use. After organizing sport managers must lead, leading is where the sport manager directs the activities of employees as he or she attempts to accomplish organizational goals (Masteralexis and Barr, 2005). The last step is evaluating, this is where sport managers measure and ensures the progress toward organizational goals. With the sport management field comes a lot of responsibility and knowledge. All the information provided should help one determine the professional community and how to go about learning everything there is to know about the field. History of Sport and Recreation Management The organization of sport management developed over 150 years ago in England (Masteralexis Barr, 2005). The most popular sports were track and field, all the variations of football, and stick and-bat games such as baseball, field hockey, and cricket (Masteralexis Barr, 2005). Englands popularity in sports grew and soon other countries were adopting such sports. Other sports such as basketball, gymnastics, and golf were developed in other countries and later adopted into Englands society. Many years have come since the beginning of sport management. As society changes so does sport management. Managers need to be flexible and consider the changes in society to be successful. Every year the rules and regulations change, thus the management side does too. Throughout sport managements history there have been specific events and people who have contributed to its success. In this management style there are three structures of sports that are important. They are clubs, leagues, and professional tournaments (Masteralexis Barr, 2005). The following paragraphs will give a short summary of each of them and what events or people contributed to them, and also other important events and people that contributed to sport management. One of these events is horse racing. Humans have been interacting with horses for a many decades. It was not until around 1750 that riding horses become a sport. The Jockey Club was founded in London by a group of men brought together by their shared passion for and commitment to horseracing (Maxse, 2007). This club became an effective organization with the management of horse racing. There were approximately 130 members to this club who were elected because of their knowledge and experience of racing (Maxse, 2007). The Jockey Club has grown from one course in London to fourteen courses and hoped to add more. As a person can tell this club was one of the first sports related clubs to come about and it has grown since. Other sports derive from the modern Olympics, which started in 1896. April 6, 1896 was a day where thousands of spectators viewed the first ever modern Olympics located in Athens (Gettings, 2007). The idea of this program was created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (Gettings, 2007). He wanted to create something where all nations could come together because of sports, and that is how it all started. The 1896 Olympics had fourteen nations participate in the following games: track and field, fencing, weightlifting, rifle and pistol shooting, tennis, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling (Gettings, 2007). It was said that this was to happen annually and that each year it would be located at a different location world wide. This event is important because it is still currently going on and it has evolved into much more. The modern Olympics were a great program that led to numerous other organizations, such as the North American Society for Sport Management. The North American Society for Sport Management was started in 1985 to promote, stimulate, and encourage study, research, scholarly writing, and professional development in the area of sport management (Cuneen, 2000). This group focuses on topics such as leadership, motivation, communication, organization, ethics, marketing, professional preparation, and financial administration related to sport and exercise (Cuneen, 2000). The NASSM works with local, regional, national, and international organizations to help stay current and informed of all situations. Most of NASSMs members are sport management educators who teach, research, and serve the institution from both the United States and Canada (Cuneen, 2000). Today this group still exists and it has helped sport managers make decisions and gives them resources. The work of the NASSM has opened the eyes of educational institutions for the need of a sport management program. The first masters program in sport management was established at Ohio University in 1966 ((Masteralexis Barr, 2005). Walter OMalley first thought of the idea of a masters program, but did not have the time to pursue this idea. When James Mason heard of the idea he brought it to life. The program focused in depth on contract negotiation, facilities management, and marketing, which could contribute to more efficiently and effectively running a sports organization (Walter, 2008). This program is still running today and has produced many executives in sports industries. One executive that came from a sport management degree program was Garry Bettman, lead executive of the NHL. The Stanley Cup is awarded to the NHL players when they win the championship game, the last game of the NHL season. The Stanley Cup is the most desirable championship trophy in all of sports (Stanley, 2008). It has more than one name; people call it The Cup, The Holy Grail and the of course Lord Stanley Cup (Stanley, 2008). The Stanley Cup is the oldest sports trophy in North America (Stanley, 2008). The trophy was donated by former Governor General of Canada Lord Stanley of Preston in 1892 as an award for Canadas top-ranking amateur ice hockey club (Stanley, 2008). In 1915, the two professional ice hockey organizations, the National Hockey Association and the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, reached a gentlemens agreement in which their respective champions would face each other for the Stanley Cup (Stanley, 2008). Since there were a lot of league mergers and folds, it became the de facto championship trophy of the NHL in 1926, and the Cup later became the de jure NHL championship prize in 1947 (Stanley, 2008). Sport management relates to the Stanley Cup because it is a huge achievement to all the people who are related in this profession. Fredrick Arthur Stanley was born into an upper-class family on January 15, 1841 in London, England (Shea, 2006). For centuries his family played an important task the political life in England. Stanley was the youngest boy of the fourteenth Earl and Derby, who would serve as British prime minister on three separate occasions (Shea, 2006). He served in office on June 11, 1888 after sailing across the Atlantic Ocean with his wife, Lady Constance Stanley (Shea, 2006). His term in office closely paralleled Canadas early history (Shea, 2006). The first Prime Minister Sir John A. McDonald had a stroke, so Lord Stanley took his place traveling coast to coast on Canadas new railways to meet people and give further notice on Canadas new settlement (Shea, 2006). He wanted to keep Canada together because at that time the United States wanted to take over Canada. He also took control over the growth of the great sport hockey. He organized games with other employees and later formed a traveling s quad called the Rideau Rebels which helped spread the love of the game into other centers, including Toronto, which had not yet not yet embraced the young sport (Shea, 2006). After watching many games Lord Stanley wanted to donate a trophy to the team that was the best. He decided to put his name on the Cup and now it is the Cup that every hockey player in the world dreams of winning one day. Luther Halsey Gulick was an asset to the history of sport management. Throughout his life he was always involved in things relating to sports. He started college in 1884 studying physical education (Winter, 2004). He was always interested in physical education and hygiene (Winter, 2004). He began his career as the physical director at the YMCA in Jackson, Michigan. The following year he became head of the gymnastics department at the Young Mens Christian Educations Springfield Training School (Winter, 2004). There he had one of his students help him come up with a set of rules so they could design a game with them. This game became known as basketball. At the same time he was also the international secretary for the physical training department at the YMCA as well as the secretary of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education (Winter, 2004). In 1903 he became the first director of physical education in the public schools of New York City (Winter, 2004). He was also on the Physical Training Lecture Committee. In 1904 he initiated the Public School Physical Education Society and the next year founded the informal Academy of Physical Education. He was on the committee for the Olympics in 1906 and 1908 (Winter, 2004). He became one of the founders of many associations related to physical education. He was president of the American Physical Education Association for three years, president of the Public School Training Society for three years, and president of the Playground and Recreation Society of America for four years (Winter, 2004). He also founded the girl scouts program and published many books. Gulicks last job was to serve as chairman of the YMCAs International Committee on Physical Recreation of the War Work Council (Winter, 2004). With this job he traveled internationally and surveyed soldiers on their moral and physical well being. He died in 1918 at age 53 (Winter, 2004). Gulick made many contributions to the sport management fie ld. He started up and directed many programs and organizations and has influenced many people. Gulick was one of the people who started basketball. He is a type of person like Fred Corcoran, who was on of the first founders of Ladies Professional Golf Association. Fred Corcoran was born April 4, 1905 in Cambridge, Massachusetts (World, 2008). In the years before World War II, Corcoran helped found the Ladies Professional Golf Association, the World Cup and Golf Writers Association of America (World, 2008). His knowledge and ideas brought out the best in him. He was one of the founders of the World Golf Hall of Fame. He was one of the sports first agents, managing the careers of Babe Zaharias, Tony Lema and Sam Snead (World, 2008). His biggest achievement in this sport was leading it to its Golden Age. When Corcoran was nine years old he got his first job in golf (World, 2008). He was a caddy at Belmont C.C. near Boston (World, 2008). When he was twelve he moved up to a masters caddy and from there he kept moving up the ladder. When he was a teenager he was an assistant golf secretary for the Massachusetts Golf Association at Belmont (World, 2008). This was a turning point in Corcorans life; he put tournament scoring into history. He was the one that kept spectators and the media up to date on the tournaments progress (World, 2008). He was then made the official scorer for golf. After being golfs official scorer he moved on to Pinehurst and worked as an assistant golf secretary in the office of Donald Ross, the golf course architect (World, 2008). In 1936, the Professional Golf Association (PGA) of America hired Corcoran as tournament manager of the professional tour (World, 2008). Corcoran was twenty-eight when he took this job. The deal was he would run and promote the tour (World, 2008). Corcoran was always in the right place at the right time. For the next forty years, he would manage many people including baseball hall of famers and golf professionals (World, 2008). Corcoran was inducted into the Golf Hall of Fame and his name is a legacy for the sport of golf. Corcoran is a person that contributed to sport management because he started so many professional leagues like the LPGA and the PGA. He contributed his life to make the sport of golf the way it is today. Corcoran was a major tribute to the world of golf. Another person who is a big part of sports would be Ford Christopher Frick. Ford Christopher Frick was born December 19, 1894 in Wawaka, IN (Fleming, 2007a). In 1916, he went to Colorado Springs to become an English teacher (Fleming, 2007a). He wanted to take a different route for a career and started working for the local newspaper. In 1919 he opened up his own advertising agency and wrote the editorial column for the Colorado Springs telegraph (Fleming, 2007a). After working in Colorado Springs for three years he moved out to New York and worked for the New York American (Fleming, 2007a). One year later he wrote the evening journal. He would eventually move up in the world of being a writer and wrote about the New York Yankees and became Babe Ruths number one writer. In May of 1930, Frick worked with radio and became a sportscaster (Fleming, 2007a). He worked in sport casting until 1934 when he was elected the new and first director of the National League Service Bureau, which was the publicity outlet for the National League (Fleming, 2007a). Frick was ele cted president after his term as director ended. His first thought for the sport of baseball was to include a Hall of Fame to honor baseballs great players. Frick was an inspiration to baseball. He was elected commissioner in 1951 and kept teams from going bankrupt (Fleming, 2007a). He was the commissioner for one of the most memorable times in baseball when Roger Maris and Mickey Mantel were going for the home run record to break Babe Ruths record in a single season. In the time that Maris and Mantel played they had more single season games than Ruth did, so as commissioner of baseball Frick could make rules. He made a rule that Maris and Mantel had to break the record in the same quantity of games that Ruth played. He resigned a commissioner in 1965 after being the commissioner of baseball for fourteen years (Fleming, 2007a). He was seventy one at the time he resigned (Fleming, 2007a). He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1970 and passed away in 1978 (Fleming, 2007a) After his death an award was dedicated in his name for baseball broadcasters with distinguished careers (Fleming, 2007a). This award is given to broadcasters who are inducted into the broadcasting side of the Hall of Fame. Frick is probably the most memorable person in the sports industry. His dedication working with the media, being a director, president and commissioner is a great thing for sport management. Fred was a huge part of baseball and contributed a lot of time to the game, another man who did the same is William Hulbert. William Hulbert was born on October 23, 1832 in Burlington Flats, New York (Fleming, 2007b). William was the President of the Chicago White Stockings. He put together some of the best teams in baseball (The First Major League, 2008). He was a businessman so all he wanted to learn to do was make money (The First Major League, 2008). Hulbert felt that the teams were not organized the right way. The teams that lost out in the first rounds would go back home and play showcase games against teams that were not in the league. The association was made in the east and this made it difficult to play teams that were located in the west. Hulbert came up with a plan, he organized eight teams, four in the east and four in the west that was committed to a full championship schedule and had the teams not play teams outside the league to avoid complication (The First Major League, 2008). The eight teams that were in the association had a meeting in New York City on February 2, 1876 (The First Major League, 2008). At this meeting all the teams sat down and talked and agreed on to form a new organization, the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, which was to become the first true major league (The First Major League, 2008).Hulbert contributed to sports management by being the President of the Chicago White Stockings, putting together a plan to have teams play for a championship, and being one of the first people to make baseball a major league sport. The people that I talked about all have something in common. They all were involved in sport management in some kind of way. These people lived it and dedicated themselves to do the best job they could do for sport management and sports. These guys are good at what they did and know one can take that away from them. Sport and Recreation Management Resources As a sport and recreation manager, like any other job, one will not know everything there is to know about ones career. There will need to be people, books, websites, and other publications that one uses to get answers and advice from. All of these are good ways to approach situations and it is good to get many views and choose the one that works the best. One resource sport and recreation managers use is other managers in their field. Many managers who have been working in the position for a while have been through the same experiences. Since they are experienced they would know how to do things and be able to answer questions. Managers might also refer to other resources they use, such as magazines, websites, local radio stations, books, and employees. Mr. Kleven is the Director of Park and Recreation here in Crookston. He uses resources like National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA), Crookston Youth Basketball Association (CYBA), Youth Activities, and Crookston Youth Soccer Association (CYSA). These are the main resources that Mr. Kleven uses on a daily basis that help him do his job well. The National Recreation and Park Association is an association that has been around for years. In places across the United States the NRPA has been building parks and recreation areas for people to ride bikes, hike, play catch, or even have their pets run around and play with. Their mission is to Advance parks, recreation and environments conservation efforts that enhance the quality of life for all people. (About APRS, 2007). The values they believe in are to offer good quality facilities, employees that meet the standards of good services to bring out a better community, and have responsible programs for the youth (About APRS, 2007). The NRPA is the nations largest professional and citizen organization dedicated to advancing park, recreation, and conservation efforts that enhance the quality of life for all people (About NRPA, 2007). There are over 20,000 professionals, citizen advocates, educators, and students from diverse backgrounds with the same passion for promoting healthy l ifestyles and livable communities (About NRPA, 2007). There are associations that branch off from the NRPA. One of these associations is the American Park and Recreation Society (APRS). According to the National Recreation and Park Association, this association is the largest professional branch of the National Recreation and Park Association, which consists of more than 8,500 members. The NRPA also states that the APRS consists of professionals who work in the local delivery of park, recreation, and leisure services. This branch has members who symbolize character and concerns for park and recreation. There mission is To strengthen the park and recreation profession; to enhance the quality of life. (About APRS, 2007). The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) is an organization structure that includes members, Board of Directors, Executive Director, membership services, and recreational sports teams (Strategic Plan, 2005). The MRPA has a recreation service function that is attentive and accountable for the recreational services that they provide (Strategic Plan, 2005). Minnesota Recreation and Park Association provides sports like Adult and Youth Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Broomball, Booth Hockey, Touch Football, Hersheys Youth Track and Field, and they have a Select Special Event programs that allow the youth to go spend the day with the Timberwolves, Lynx, Twins, Swarm, and the Golden Gophers (MRPA 2005-2010 Strategic Plan, 2008). This organization is an organization that supports recreation both in youth and adult, this is why they have a good reference of success. Crookston Youth Basketball Association (CYBA) promotes enthusiasm for basketball and emphasizes skill development and fun (About CYBA, 2008). The CYBA was formed in the early 1990s by a group of individuals interested in encouraging participation in youth basketball (About CYBA, 2008). This association promotes kids from ages nine to fifteen to travel and play basketball. CYBA encourages kids in the summer to shoot and keep track of how many baskets they make and then rewards them with a prize relating to the number of baskets made. This is a way to keep the youth basketball players on track with their skills during the months that there are not practicing. In this program participating youth families must pay a $20.00 fee, but anyone who supports this program can be a member and pay $20.00 a year, even if they do not have kids in the program (About CYBA, 2008). Crookston Youth Soccer Association (CYSA) is an organization that is made up of a board of directors. It consists of individuals, families, coaches, and referees (Welcome, 2008). The CYSA promotes summer soccer for 3-12 graders. During the months one can not play soccer outside, they have a facility to play soccer indoors. This organization raises money for the youth players and the fields they play on. They help support high school and junior high boys and girls soccer also (Welcome, 2008). The CYSA is a strong organization that wants kids to play soccer. They do a lot for these youth to help them grow up to be good athletes, especially playing soccer. Many people in the community find out about sport issues through the radio and television. Different news and sport broadcasters let the public know about upcoming games and events. Sport and recreation managers, like Kleven, use these resources to obtain some information and statistics from games, events, and meetings. Crookston has a local radio station called KROX. This is a type of resource that Kleven uses for his job. KROX keeps the community updated on events and has a great sports section for people who like sports around the community. They involve all levels of sports from youth leagues, varsity, and adult leagues and have daily and weekly shows with sports players and their coaches. KROX is also very good and broadcasting live games or local sporting events, no matter where they are located. When there are two games played at the same time they usually have a broadcaster at each game and record one and play that after the other game is finished. They keep a current website available at This website gets many visits a day. The sports page gives all the information needed about any Crookston sports team or Minnesota professional teams. It even has live web casts for people that live out of the radio stations range, so they can listen to selected games on the computer broadcasted live from KROX. This radio station is a very good resource for various teams and information. The Crookston Park and Recreation Department offers sport programs for youth. Some summer programs include baseball, softball, tball, golf, tennis, others. In the winter they offer basketball, hockey, and indoor soccer. The City of Crookston hires students from around the community to work with children and also to be role models. The youth program involves youth from grades preschool through ninth grade. The City of Crookston is a well know town for there youth programs. The Park and Recreation workers work hard to maintain fields, tennis courts, and other parks around the town. This is a great resource for other towns to look at because they can get ideas of things that are successful in Crookston. Resources are such an important part of anyones career. It makes things easier for the manager if things can be done the correct way the first or second time. With all the information out there now, including the internet and brochures, there should be a way to find out whatever kind of information you need. Communication Paper One of the largest components of a sport and recreation managers job is ones ability to communicate. Communication is a vital role in many circumstances. It shows how one reacts to certain situations and how effectively ones job is done. There are different ways to determine what kind of communication skills are being used or should be used. Communication Styles There are three basic types of communication styles: aggressive, passive, and assertive. Each style will best fit each individual. Aggressive communicators think everyone should be like them. They often have trouble listening and seeing other peoples point of view. They are bossy and impatient to others. On the other hand, passive communicators always agree with everyone. They let others make choices and they feel powerless. The kind of communicator a good sport and recreation manager should obtain is the assertive style. Assertive communicators are effective listeners, trust self and others, and are confident in their choices. They have good enthusiasm and are able to motivate others (Sherman, 1999). This will help them with the communication skills that they will use. Communication Skills With assertive being the style of communication that best fits this profession, next the communication skills need to be acquired. Some good communication skills include speaking, listening, interviewing, reading, writing, giving feedback, and being interview (Communication skills, 2008). These would all be ideal for every sport and recreation manager to have. Speaking is the most commonly used form of communication. Sport and recreation managers need to speak to their employees, the community, and people utilizing the activities provided. It is done to explain things, to provide information, or just to have conversations. There will need to be meetings that are put on where the manager speaks on issues. There will also be phone calls, interviews, and feedback reports that should be a verbal type of communication. Speaking is an effective way to communicate with anyone. To let people know one has full attention, good listening skills are needed. Employees, the community, and people utilizing activities want to know that the manager cares about what they have to say and will deal with their concerns. Situations where one would use this skill would be in meeting, general conversations, interviews, grievance issues, questions, and concerns. All managers need good interviewing skills. There will always be the need to hire employees. They need to be sure that they get the right applicant for the job through the interviewing process. There are many different things to read. One will get emails, notices, letters, faxes, bulletins, brochures, etc. To understand the information or what is being asked of one needs to be able to read efficiently. The sport and recreation manager will have things that may be read out loud to other people or to themselves. For all the different ways to read things one may also write them. The sport and recreation manager will have to send letters, emails, etc. out to the employees, community, and people utilizing activities. They need to be updated and informed on matters that concern them. They may write things down while someone else is talking, which would also require good listening skills, or they can just write down information that they have questions on or to remember things better. When employees do good and bad things, feedback should be given to them. They need to know what is being done right and wrong so they can perform to the sport and recreation managers standards. Feedback is done at least annually and can be done whenever needed or observed. There will be times in a sport and recreation manager career where they will be interviewed. Whether it be for a news station, paper, or for a students research paper they need to be on top of what is going on and be able to answer questions on the spot. These styles of communication are used not only as a sport and recreation manager, but for many types of professional communities. The styles cover almost every kind of communication style commonly used. Communication on a Regular Basis Verbal and written communication will be used everyday. There will be certain things that are not communicated as commonly as others, but still used. On a daily basis a sport and recreation manager will have mail to open, emails to read, meetings to attend, and people to talk to. Weekly will most likely use the same communication skills. On a monthly basis there will be other kinds of meetings or events to utilize communication skills at. There will also be quarterly reports that need to be read and explained to other employees. Yearly there are usually annual meetings to attend. These are just some of the more common types of regular basis communication skills used by sport and recreation managers throughout their career. A good person that uses these tasks every day would be Dr. David Rolling. Dr. Rolling is the Sport and Recreation Manager Program Coordinator at the University of Minnesta, Crookston. He attended Bemidji State University in Bemidji, MN, to get a bachelor degree in Sport Management and a masters degree in Sport Studies (David Rolling, 2008). He got his Ph.D. in Sport Administration at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS (David Rolling, 2008). Dr. Rolling was also an athlete. He played minor league baseball and hockey growing up. After he was done playing he coached. He has coached at division 1, 2, and 3 levels for hockey and baseball. He currently is the UMC Golden Eagles assistant hockey coach. He also has worked in the professional level for football. He was a player compensation for the Kansas City Chiefs, which deals with players contracts and negotiations. Dr. Rolling currently works at the University of Minnesta, Crookston as the Sport and Recreation Manager Program Coordinator, a professor and is the advisor for all of the Sport and Recreation Management degree students. He teaches six classes a semester. Some of those classes are Seminar in Sport and Recreation Management 4099, Exercise Physiology 3320, Sports Marketing 3006, and Sport and Recreation Law 3002. Rolling has been here on campus for two and a half years. As stated earlier, one of the largest components of a sport and recreation managers job is ones ability to communicate. Now that all the styles, kinds, skills, and ways of communication have been presented one can really see how often communication is used. The perfect candidate would have all of these traits, but lets face it, no one is perfect! APA Compared to MLA Paper formatting is based upon the rules of the particular style one is using (Paper, 1999). There are many different ways to format a paper. All styles define how a paper should be written, the format of the paper when printed, and how references are cited (Paper, 1999). One may ask, why the need for all of this? The answer is to give credit to the author or publisher for their original work and to let others know where the information was obtained so they may utilize it too. Two of the more common types will be discussed and compared. The first style is used by sport and recreation managers and the second is used by other career fields. American Psychological Association (APA) is the most selected writing style. APA style specifically points out names and order of headings, formatting, and organization of citations and references (APA, 2008). This style points out the arrangement of tables, figures, footnotes, and appendices, as well as other manuscript and documentation features (APA, 2008). APA provides the basic guidelines for documenting print and electronic resources (APA, 2008). In an APA style paper there are certain sections that should be included in the paper, with each section starting on a new page. The sections include: title page, abstract, body, references, author note, footnotes, tables, and figures (APA, 2008). Modern Language Association style (MLA) requires that specific rules be followed for formatting manuscripts (Enzine, 2008). This style provides writers with a system that is suitable to cite references, the usage of which enhances the writers credibility by listing outside sources in order to give recognition where it is due (Enzine, 2008). One advantage of this style is that it provides a writer protection from plagiarism. There are many other things that differ between APA and MLA. The guidelines for APA are: Assignments must be typed double-spaced on 8.5 x 11 inch pages. The title page must include bylines, titles, or running headers. Page numbers must be included (similar to MLA) followed by 5 spaces, then an abridged version (2 words) of the papers title. Some instructors require students to prepare an abstract which is a 75 to 100 word overview of the chosen topic highlighting the major points of discussion in the paper. It must be set up on its own page with the word Abstract centered at the top of the page, and placed right after the title page. Headings are not specifically necessary but can be helpful in navigating through a paper. Every word of the heading must be capitalized with the exception of articles such as the, a, and an, and certain conjunctions such as and, and but. Visuals such as tables and figures including graphs, charts, and drawings may be included; however, each must be labeled with an Arabic numeral i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc. Titles must be flush left; each inserted illustration must include its source. Lists of all references must be included on its own page at the end of your written work. Each reference should be centered, starting at the top of the page (also double spaced) and listed in alphabetical order according to the authors last name, editor, or by the title of the work (excluding the words A, An and The) (Ezine, 2008). Guidelines for MLA are: Assignments are to be typed on pages no larger that 8.5 x 11, double spaced, with either Times New Roman font, or Courier. One space must be inserted between all punctuation marks. Margins must be set to one inch on all sides of the paper. All paragraphs must be indented one inch (one tab) from the left margin of the page. Headers must be inserted on each page in the upper right hand corner displaying the page numbers of the essay consecutively (some instructors will ask that a students last name follow the page number on each page). If endnotes are included in your work, they must be placed on the last page, right before your works cited page (Ezine, 2008). APA and MLA references are cited two different ways. When citing from books in MLA one writes: Welch, Ben. Football Plays for Youth Football. 4th ed. Minnesota: Football, 2008. When citing from books in APA one writes: Welch, B. (2008). Football Plays for Youth Football. Minnesota: Football Basics. Journal articles for MLA are written: Donaldson, Scott. Protecting the Troops from Hemingway: An Episode in Censorship. The Hemingway Review 15 (1995): 87-93 (MLA, 2008). Journal articles for APA are written: Baptista, L. F. (1984). Song leargning in the anna hummingbired. Ethology, 84, 15-26 (MLA, 2008).The citation list for MLA should have a titled page called Works Cited. In APA style the titled page for citation should be called resources. Citing in text is also done differently. When you cite one author in APA style you cite (Henneberg, 2008, 9). In MLA format you cite (Henneberg 9). They are very similar to each other and could easily be mixed up. In conclusion MLA and APA look similar, but specific guidelines make them different. MLA and APA are great ways to write papers. Students, writers, and professors across the world use these style manuals to write papers, books, journals, and other documents. These styles are great for all people to use, because of the basic rules to follow. References About APRS. (2007). National Recreation and Park Association, Retrieved March 11, 2008 from About CYBA. (2008). About Crookston Youth Basketball Association (CYBA), Retrieved March 11, 2008 from About NRPA. (2007). National Recreation and Park Association, Retrieved March 11, 2008 from Air Way College Gateway to the Internet. (2008). Communication Skills, Retrieved April 1, 2008, from APA Style. (2008). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 21, 2008 from Cuneen, J. (2000). North American Society for sport Management History: Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Ezine Articles. (2008). MLA Writing Style vs. APA Writing Style, Retrieved April 21, 2008 from Stye#id=921055 Fleming, F. (2007a). Ford C. Frick, Retrieved February 26, 2008, from Fleming F. (2007b). William Hulbert, Retrieved February 26, 2008, from Gettings, J. (2007). The First Modern Olympics: Athens, 1896, Retrieved February 25, 2008, from Glove University Minnesota School of Business. (2006). MLA vs. APA: A Basic Comparison, Retrieved April 21, 2008 from Masteralexis, L. P. Barr, C. A. (2005). History of Sport Management, Principle and Practice of Sport Management (pp. 1-22). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartllett Maxse, J. (2007). The Jockey Club. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from https:// MLA vs. APA. (2008). Retrieved April 21, 2008, from MRPA 2005-2010 Strategic Plan (2008) Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 2005-2010 Strategic Plan, Retrieved April 1, 2008 from Paper Writing. (1999). Formatting the Paper. Retrieved April 21, 2008 from Rolling, David. (2005). Curriculum Vitae. Retrieved April 2, 2008 from She, K. (2006). Stanley Cup Journal. Retrieved February 26, 2008 from Sherman, R. (1999). Understanding Your Communication Skills. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from Sport Management Career Overview. (2007). Retrieved February 11, 2008 from Stanley Cup. (2008). Retrieved February 26, 2008 from Strategic Plan. (2005). Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 2005-2010 Strategic Plan, Retrieved March 11, 2008 from The First Major League (1875-1889). (2007). Retrieved February 26, 2008 from Walter OMalley. (2008). Retrieved February 26, 2008 from Welcome to the CYSA (2008). Crookston Youth Soccer Association. Retrieved March 11, 2008 from Winter, T. (2004). Luther Halsey Gulick. Retrieved February 25, 2008 from World Golf Hall of Fame Profile: Fred Corcoran. (2008). Retrieved February 26, 2008 from
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